FrontPage HistoryOfCommunicationResearch

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* When was Telegraph invented?
* What about Telephone?
* Radio, Television?
== History of Mass Media ==
=== 1800s ===
1832 :: [[Attachment(MorseMachine.png,align=left,height=172)]] [[Attachment(MorseCode.png,align=left,height=172)]] [[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]Saumuel Morse: telegraphic code [[HTML(</font>)]]
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1876 :: [[Attachment(Alexander_Graham_Bell.jpg,align=right,height=152)]] [[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]Alexander Graham Bell, Transmits sound. . . .
>> "Mr. Watson, . . . Come here . . . I want to see you."
The beginning of '''telephone'''
Party Line Phone: A teleophone line was installed as a whole (in the community); then receivers were installed in each home, which means that any one would hear any conversations just by picking up his/her receiver. There was no private conversation. Whose call it was distinguished by right-tone. Also, in order to make a phone call, people need to '''place the call''' to the operator. [[HTML(</font>)]]
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1881 :: World Expo in Paris
[[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]Theatrophone: Telephone technology was initially developed as a medium for music. Hence, Theatre + Telephone. France initiated it at the World Expo in Paris. It was a revolutionary attempt to commercialize the technology. The only problem was telephone line had to be extended. [[HTML(</font>)]]
1885 :: [[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]AT&T [[HTML(</font>)]]
1890 :: [[Attachment(TelephoneOperator03.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] [[Attachment(TelephoneOperator_1952_07.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] [[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]The job, Operator . . . : "Number Please" [[HTML(</font>)]]
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
[[Attachment(Guglielmo_Marconi.jpg.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] Gulielmo Marconi invented wireless telegraph system.
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1891 :: Marconi, acquired GB patent.
1892 :: Marconi, acquired US patent.
=== 1900s ===
1906 :: [[Attachment(deforest-audion.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] Technology of sound amplification (What we are calling ''amp'') invented. A product, [ AUDION] was developed and sold.
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
[[Attachment(DeForestLee.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] by [WikiPedia:Lee_De_Forest De Forest Lee]
비정기적이며, 규제없는 혼란스러운 방송의 시작
동시에 소수자의 목소리가 들리는 방송도 시작 (여성참정권)
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1912 :: [[Attachment(DavidSarnoff_1922.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] 타이타닉 호 침몰 사건과 David Sarnoff
D. Sarnoff 러시아 이민자
마르코니텔레그래프에서 교환원으로 근무 (뉴욕)
타이타닉호의 침몰을 알리는 SOS 신호를 처음으로 감지
72시간 동안 교환기에서 논스탑으로 소식 전달
다른 선박에게 구조요청을 보내기도 하고
신문에게 소식을 전하기도 함
미 대통령 Taft의 긴급 명령으로 모든 무선전신 회사의 송신 중단
약 800 여명이 구조됨
Sarnoff = 미국의 영웅
이 때가 21세의 일. 훗날 American Marconi Company와 후에 RCA에서 중요한 인물로 역할
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1919 :: RCA
[[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]Zworykin, Vladimir 미국, RCA에서 텔레비전 영상 실험 시작[[HTML(</font>)]]
1920s :: '''본격적인 라디오 발전시기'''
1920 :: 피츠버그 KDKA, 미국 라디오 방송 시작
1922 :: 영국, 프랑스 라디오 방송 시작
[[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]Farmsworth도 유타에서 연구시작,
이 해에 특허 취득 (All electronic television)
30년대에 2개 더 특허를 받음 [[HTML(</font>)]]
1923 :: 독일 라디오 방송 시작
__라디오의 대중화로 인한 폐해__
Dr. Brinkley 회춘약 (틀림없는)
손수건 판매, 예수의 사인이 적힌
[[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]Zworkin 특허 (Iconoscope tube)[[HTML(</font>)]]
1925 :: Sarnoff가 RCA에서 라디오 방송국 설립 제안
이전에는 라디오 박스를 팔기 위한 선전 수단으로 방송물을 제작하는 정도
이 때 "독자적인 광고"를 통해서 수익을 올리자는 모델을 제안함
반대의견이 심했음 . . . . ''The wireless message box [radio] has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?''
일본 라디오 방송 시작
1926 :: NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) 설립
* 이쯤에 AT&T가 BCA (Broadcasting Corporation of America)를 세워, Telephone line을 이용한 라디오 네트워크 시작 (독점 . . . AT&T 가 전화기술과 망을 모두 가지고 있었기에).
* 정부규제로 BCA는 강제 매각
* AT&T telephone line 대여에 소극적으로 대처하면서 radio회사를 콘트롤 하려고 함.
* GE | Westinghouse | RCA 합작으로 독자적인 네트워크를 구성 NBC라고 칭함
한국도 라디오 방송 시작
1927 :: CBS 설립
Radio Act of 1927
매스를 향한 방송을 허가제로 실시하기 시작
1928 :: 신문 대 라디오 전쟁
* 신문과의 전쟁 (뉴스) 뉴스 소스 = 신문 | 어나운스 부스
* 신문의 적대행위
* 라디오 뉴스의 활성화
1929 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]Zworykin 특허 (Kinescopy tube)[[HTML(</font>)]]
1930s :: Radio: [[Attachment(Radio_FamilyMedium.png,align=left,height=172)]] 가족 매체로 정착
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]

1938 :: [[Attachment(Orson_Welles_1937.jpg,align=left,height=172)]] CBS Mercury Theatre on the Air 사건 [wiki:ResearchMethodsLectureNote#s-2.2.1 총알이론 참조]
이어서 [Orson Welles] 청문회
[[HTML(<div class='clear'></div>)]]
1939 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]세계만국박람회에 TV 등장[[HTML(</font>)]]
1941 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]1차 [NTSC] 표준 제안됨 (2차 = 53년) [[HTML(</font>)]]
1950 :: 라디오의 몰락
* 1950년대: Video Killed the Radio Star.
* RCA 광고 참조
* 텔레비전의 부상으로 라디오 인기 급락, 고전 시작
|| [[Attachment(RCA_Commercial.png,width=290)]] || [[Youtube(vBZ3fvZFDBQ)]] ||
1953 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]제 2 차 NTSC 표준안 제정 [[HTML(</font>)]]
1956 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]RCA 한국에 상륙, KORCAD. 곧 망함 [[HTML(</font>)]]
1961 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]KBS[[HTML(</font>)]]
1964 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]TBC[[HTML(</font>)]]
1969 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]MBC[[HTML(</font>)]]
1980 :: [[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]]TBC -> KBS2[[HTML(</font>)]]
1984 :: [[HTML(<font color='red'>)]]AT&T Department of Justic(법무부) 의해서 8개로 쪼개짐 (반 독점)[[HTML(</font>)]]
방송 :: 방송(라디오/텔레비전의 강력한 영향력에 대한 우려가 지배적이었음)
방송의 효과에 대한 연구는 수 없이 많았어도 전화, 전파 사용의 효과에 관한 연구는 거의 없었던 이유도 여기에 있음
라디오에 비해서 텔레비전의 성장속도는 기하급수적으로 빨랐는데, 그 이유는 라디오의 비지니스모델을 그대로 차용하였으며, 무엇보다도 라디오의 방송권을 획득한 회사가 텔레비전 전파사용 허가도 받았기 때문.
통신 :: 단순한 상업활동의 장으로 평가되었고 그렇게 진행되었음
--> Include(HistoryOfMassMedia) or See [History of Mass Media]

[[HTML(<font color='blue'>)]] [[HTML(</font>)]]
As you may see in the [history of mass media] section. There was a consensual atmosphere about the powerful effects of mass media. This was backed up with the studies from the psychology, a newly emerging academic discipline. By the time, that people blindly witnessed the effect of mass media, psychological studies was also rapidly developing. Specifically, around the time, behaviorism was a big issue. For example,
* 1863 - Ivan Sechenov's Reflexes of the Brain was published. Sechenov introduced the concept of inhibitory responses in the central nervous system.
* 1900 - Ivan '''Pavlov''' began studying the salivary response and other reflexes.
* 1913 - '''John Watson's Psychology as a Behaviorist Views''' It was published. The article outlined the many of the main points of behaviorism.
* 1920 - Watson and assistant Rosalie Rayner conducted the famous '''[Little Albert experiment]'''.
* 1943 - Clark Hull's Principles of Behavior was published.
* 1948 - B.F. Skinner published Walden II in which he described a utopian society founded upon behaviorist principles.
* 1959 - Noam Chomsky published his criticism of Skinner's behaviorism, "Review of Verbal Behavior."
* 1971 - B.F. Skinner published his book Beyond Freedom and Dignity, where he argues that free will is an illusion.

Studying new media and their effects also happened long time ago.
Mass media:
  • Book, Journal(Magazine), Newspaper, Telegraph, Telephone, Radio, Television, the Internet, etc. . . .
  • When was Telegraph invented?
  • What about Telephone?
  • Radio, Television?

--> Include(HistoryOfMassMedia) or See History of Mass Media

As you may see in the history of mass media section. There was a consensual atmosphere about the powerful effects of mass media. This was backed up with the studies from the psychology, a newly emerging academic discipline. By the time, that people blindly witnessed the effect of mass media, psychological studies was also rapidly developing. Specifically, around the time, behaviorism was a big issue. For example,

  • 1863 - Ivan Sechenov's Reflexes of the Brain was published. Sechenov introduced the concept of inhibitory responses in the central nervous system.
  • 1900 - Ivan Pavlov began studying the salivary response and other reflexes.
  • 1913 - John Watson's Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It was published. The article outlined the many of the main points of behaviorism.
  • 1920 - Watson and assistant Rosalie Rayner conducted the famous Little Albert experiment.
  • 1943 - Clark Hull's Principles of Behavior was published.
  • 1948 - B.F. Skinner published Walden II in which he described a utopian society founded upon behaviorist principles.
  • 1959 - Noam Chomsky published his criticism of Skinner's behaviorism, "Review of Verbal Behavior."
  • 1971 - B.F. Skinner published his book Beyond Freedom and Dignity, where he argues that free will is an illusion.
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