^ Ganley, P., & Allgrove, B. (2006). Net neutrality: A user's guide
Computer Law & Security Review, 22(6), 454-463.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0267364906000902 pdf file (214.45 KB)
^ 나성현. (2011). 주요국의 망중립성 정책동향과 시사점 __KISDI Premium Report __ (pp. 1-31): 정보통신정책연구원.
^ 정진한, 오기환, 이인선. (2009).
미국, 유럽의 NGA 및 망중립성 논의와 시사점(http://m.kisdi.re.kr/mobile/prem/iss_view.m?controlNo=11641&selectPage=4).
KISDI 이슈리포트, 9(12). 1-54.
^ New York Times. (Dec. 20. 2010).
Net Neutrality(http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/subjects/n/net_neutrality/index.html), Times Topics,
New York Times. Quote :: ".... But what confused many was the suggestion by Google and Verizon that future online services that are not part of the public Internet should also be exempt from equal-access rules. These services would be "distinguishable from traditional broadband Internet access services," the two companies said in a joint blog post. "It is too soon to predict how these new services will develop, but examples might include health care monitoring, the smart grid, advanced educational services or new entertainment and gaming options. . . . Some experts were puzzled as to what these services might be and why such an exception might be necessary."
Streaming Video & Net Neutrality(http://www.digitalsociety.org/2010/10/streaming-video-net-neutrality/) at digitalsociety.org
Which Types of Businesses Will Be Affected by Net Neutrality (And How)(http://www.focus.com/fyi/which-types-businesses-will-be-affected-net-neutrality-and-h/)
Research on how the concept emerged? -- Research on the history of the Internet.
What are the stake-holders in the situation; and how are they affected by the policy?
Content Providers
Hardware manufacturers
Software manufacturers