Research Methods

1. Core materials for class

FAQ: 수업과 관련된 질문과 대답
강사의 공지사항

아주대학교 대학원 09 2학기 Fall Ajou University Graduate Class : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.
과학커뮤니케이션 09 fall semester, Science Communication Research Methods : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.

2. extra readings, materials

War of the worlds, Mercury Theater on the Air
Deduction and induction

3. Public Data

[http]Some data available out links(
[http]data from UMS(

4. APA style

5. examples, research article

Research Paper example: 연구논문의 한 예입니다. 조사방법론과 관련된 논문은 대개 아래의 페이퍼와 같은 형식을 가집니다 (절대적인 것은 아닙니다).
Research Design: 아래 소제목하의 글들 중의 일부는 Research Design 아티클의 일부로 포함되어 있습니다.
Status of Frustrator download: @Status_of_Frustrator.pdf (365.33 KB)

6. Unit of Analysis

Unit of Analysis 분석단위

7. Level of Variables

8. Variables

Variables Identification: Identify Variable Relationships IV, DV, Moderating, Intervening variables

9. Validity

ValidityTypes Validity Detail Explanation

10. Reliability

11. Others

12. Statistics, Introduction

13. Central Tendency

14. t-test

15. estimation

16. ANOVA, F-test

17. Correlation & Regression

18. Chi-square test

19. Factor Analysis

20. References

[http]Distribution Tables(
WikiPedia:Student's t-distribution
@t-table.pdf (33.83 KB)

21. Research Ethics

Milgram's study

Laud Humphreys' study

22. External Links

[http]StatSoft( is very good and fairly suitable for beginners, from StatSoft the makers of Statistica
[http]StatSoft Glossary( from StatSoft
[http]Online Stat Book( at Rice University
[http]Stat Note(, G. David Garson at NCSU. For multivariate stats analysis
[http]Structural Equation Modelling in Market Research(, Scott MacLean & Kevin Gray

[http]a syllabus( from scribd

23. Uploaded Files List

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last modified 2013-11-20 16:23:55