FrontPage2013 Caricature

Caricature and Face Recognition

캐리커처는 초상화와 같이 한사람의 주요한 인상을 담아내려는 시도이다.(Berger, 1952; Rother, 1966)
이 논문에서는 두가지 실험에 의해 캐리커쳐에의해 사람들이 인지하는 얼굴에 대한 가설을 증명한다.

* Symbolic Caricature
심볼릭 캐리커처는 대상에 속한 어떤 묘사를 통해 대상의 아이덴티티가 도출된다.
처칠의 시가나 히틀러의 콧수염처럼 얼굴의 해부학적 구조에 의해서가 아니라 얼굴의 구분되는 특징에 의해 인지되는 경우는 아티스트의 주제에 대한 지식이 필요하다.

* Pictorial hyperbole
어떤 사람을 특징을 규명할 만큼 충분히 알려져 있지만, 대부분은 사실에 기인한 과장에 의해 형태를 상용화 시킨다. 이 경우는 두드러지는 얼굴의 형태를 그것의 과장된 형태로 대체한다. 이때 아티스트는 대상의 얼굴을 관찰하고 두드러지는 특징을 결정하고 과장한다.

이 연구의 고블린의 디자인적 특징은 Symbolic Caricature에 대한 연구로, 인물을 알아볼 수 있는 특징의 결정은 Pictorial Hyperbole을 연구로 기준을 삼아 진행될 것이다.

On the Detection of Feature Points of 3D Facial Image and Its Application to 3D Facial Caricature

@00620490.pdf (5.48 MB)

How to Draw Digital Caricatures

By Carl Hose

Caricature art has been popular at carnivals and in newspapers and magazines for decades. A caricature is an exaggerated representation of its subject matter, typically as a sketch, that accents certain physical or personality traits to create what is often a humorous or satirical piece of work. With the graphics software available today, creating caricatures on your computer is easier than ever, and a lot of fun.

Step1. Open your graphics software, go to the "File" menu and choose "New" to create a new blank document. Photoshop and GIMP are two popular graphics programs, both available for PC and Mac. GIMP is free. Either of these programs will work for drawing caricatures.

Step2. Use a reference photo of the subject you want to make into a caricature. Select the drawing tool and begin the outline of the subject you want to draw leaving areas you want to exaggerate blank. If you're going to expand the chin or forehead, leave those features blank until you have the rest of the outline finished. This allows you to proportion these feature appropriately.

Step3. Create a new layer from the "Layers" menu. This is like placing a transparent sheet over what you've already drawn. Drawing each element onto its own layer lets you remove only that layer if you make a mistake or want to make changes, leaving the rest of your caricature untouched. Draw the exaggerated features of the outline onto this new layer -- big chin, wide forehead or huge nose.

Step4. Create a new layer and do the facial features. Draw a few lines to give the face texture. You don't want to do too much detail here. It will take away from the exaggerated features. Do a little shading to bring out the eyebrows and nose, some color to add light points to the eyes, and lines around the mouth. Unless the facial details are part of the exaggeration, keep them to a minimum.

Step5. Sketch the hair onto your caricature. Pay attention to your subject's hair and use this feature to add to the exaggerated features of the drawing. If your subject has excessively curly hair or very thin hair, these are characteristics you want to emphasize.

Step6. Keep the body smaller than the head. This is a characteristic of caricatures. Think about how your subject dresses and exaggerate the style. If your subject has big biceps, exaggerate them in the body by making them out of proportion with the rest of the body.

Caricature Software Makes Anyone A Digital Artist

A favorite pastime at fairs and theme parks is watching with fascination as caricature artists create quick hand-drawn cartoon renditions of delighted visitors. Rare are those gifted with such keen artistic talents. A California software developer is changing that with the release of Caricature Studio 5.0 Novelty Photo Suite, the 5th incarnation of a popular caricature software utility that creates caricature and novelty art from ordinary photos. Originally released in 2006, version 5.0 has grown into an impressive suite of tools that now features caricature software wizards, head-on-body, face swap, animation, web-cam capture, green screen, and more.

Caricature Studio 5.0 was designed for ease of use with a familiar Windows interface. Many of the tools such as resize, zoom, paint brush and others will be familiar to Windows users. In addition to the great caricature software effects, there is a library of clip art and templates included for creating projects. Old-west style "wanted" posters and parody magazine covers can be conjured up in a matter of minutes, ready to print. The filters packaged with Caricature Studio include comic style rendering and colorization effects to give caricatures a "hand drawn" look. The software also supports the popular Photoshop plugin format which provides endless possibilities for image manipulation. Besides caricature art, you can also insert talk bubbles and text boxes anywhere on the image to produce comic-style panels and photo to cartoon effects. The head-on-body and face swap tools means that you no longer have to be a Photoshop expert to create great celebrity fakes.

Version 5.0 it not just great caricature software. It has also transitioned into the professional arena with new utilities geared for live event novelty photo vending. These include live capture support for Canon SLR cameras, and a display mode that produces an image slideshow designed to showcase the product and attract customers. The developer, Novelty Photo Software, LLC offers business packages for those wishing to use Caricature Studio in commercial and retail applications. What's more, a new function for photo overlays offers over 100 templates for parody magazine covers, wanted posters and photo frames.

So how well does it work? Surprisingly good. Even for the artistically challenged, it is quite easy to produce comical images quickly from regular photos.

Adults and kids alike will find Caricature Studio entertaining and useful. It can be used to create a variety of personalized art for greeting cards, wedding announcements, birthday invitations and sales fliers. The included help file details how to embellish T-shirts, coffee mugs, posters and mouse pads with your caricatures for truly personalized gifts. Webmasters will enjoy creating custom avatars and web graphics. The original version released in 2006 received wide acclaim from shareware site editors. Returning users will find version 5.0 far surpasses its predecessor in terms of features, functionality and image quality.
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