FrontPageTvRelatedNewsScrap GriffithUniversityProgram

1. Costs

  • All tuition and fees are approximate.
  • Housing fees may increase due to the duration of your staying (maybe more than 18 weeks).
  • Housing : All prices are in Australian dollars. All costs include an internal telephone, electricity, hot water, and the use of washing machines and dryers.
  • Housing : check this URL : [http]Self-catered info and [http]Catered info
  • For information about Homestaying :

South Bank
cost unit unit cost note
Tuition 7452 40 179 179 * 40 doesn't fit 7452, The total may include some other fees.
Housing (South Bank) 4896 18 272 single room with all meals
Housing : Internet 99 18 5.5 per week
Housing : deposit 450 refundable
Housing: Maintenance 366 non-refundable
Health insurance 175

Gold Coast
cost unit unit cost note
Tuition 7452 40 179 179 * 40 doesn't fit 7452, The total may include some other fees.
Housing (Gold Coast) 4970 18 276.11 no catering
Housing : Internet 99 18 5.5
Housing : deposit 450 refundable
Housing: Maintenance 366 non-refundable
Health insurance 175

Home staying
cost unit unit cost note
Tuition 7452 40 179 179 * 40 doesn't fit 7452, The total may include some other fees.
Housing (Home staying) 3600 18 200 catering, no washing, iorning, etc. You may need to spend more on public transportation, internet, and others.
Housing : Internet ?? 18 ??
Housing : deposit 800 in advance payment for staying
Health insurance 175

2. misc .

Housing fees based on accomodation places and types
College Semester Weekly Rate
Bellenden Ker (includes catering) $292
Mt Gravatt (includes catering) $292
Carnarvon (Postgraduate students) $127
4 & 5 room flats $127
6 room flats $126
7 room flats $123
8 room flats $121

Leverage of living costs. Guess how much you would spent for hanging around the city and school.
Local telephone call $0.50
Loaf of bread $2.50
Chocolate bar $2.50
Cup of coffee from cafe $3.50
Toothpaste $3.50
Burger - take away $5
Movie ticket - student price $10
T-shirt (no brand) $20
Main meal from restaurant $15-$30
Music CD $30
Weekly average spend on food for one person (from supermarket) $60
T-shirt - (popular brand name) $60
Running shoes $100
Television - 51 cm screen $300
Car insurance and registration - 1 year $1000
Computer $2000
Car (small, new) $13 000

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