FrontPageSSL Microblogging
Microblog such as twitter has several powerful features. The first and the most powerful feature is that the service can be utilized on multiple platforms.

  1. It works across different platforms. Users can send and receive messages from the web, text messages, instant messaging, RSS, and third-party clients. No matter what device you're using, you'll potentially have access to it[1].
  2. It works as a customized chat-room. Users only follow the people whom they are interested in. It is a right of channel selection.
  3. It is used as a channel for "news (knowledge)" diffusion. Twitter is considered faster than any other medium.

As so, there is some risk side of this technology. According to [http]this article, microblogging has potential business risks.

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reading ΒΆ

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  • [1] Carvin, Andy. New York Times 13 February 2008
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