FrontPage Music~Jam
Music »Jam

1. Music project proto-type

Audacity 라는 프로그램으로 트랙을 추가하여 녹음할 수 있습니다 (사운드카드 (오디오카드), 마이크가 있다는 전제하에). 파일을 인스톨하시고 아래의 데이터파일을 받아서 노래를 완성하면 되겠습니다. Audacity늘 자유소프트웨어로 아래의 URL에서 구할 수 있습니다 (Mac, Windows, Linux 모두 가능).

이 곳에서 download를 클릭하시면 됩니다. 혹은 [http]여기를 클릭 하시면 됩니다.

자세한 설명은 따로 만들어서 알려드리겠습니다.

1.1. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.2. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.3. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
<<<<<<< OLD
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.4. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.5. 500 miles

1.6. All out of love

1.7. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.8. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.9. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.10. 500 miles

1.11. All out of love

1.12. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.13. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.14. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)

1.15. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.16. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.17. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.18. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.19. 500 miles

1.20. All out of love

1.21. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.22. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.23. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)

1.24. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.25. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.26. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.27. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.28. 500 miles

1.29. All out of love

1.30. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.31. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.32. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)

1.33. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.34. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.35. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.36. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.37. 500 miles

1.38. All out of love

1.39. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.40. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.41. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)

1.42. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.43. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.44. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.45. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.46. 500 miles

1.47. All out of love

1.48. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.49. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.50. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)

1.51. 추억만들기

곡: 추억만들기
노래: 김현식
music file: @ForTheMemoriesThatHaveBeenBuilt.wav (43.18 MB)
@ForTheMemoriesThatWeHaveBuilt_hkim.mp3 (2.65 MB) A cover

1.52. 그사이

곡: 그 사이
작곡: 김민기
가사: MinGiKim
audacity data file: (58.9 MB)
music file: @InBetween.mp3 (3.13 MB) 은
 - export3_01.aup
 - export3_01_data (디렉토리)
    - data directories and files
로 구성되어 있습니다. 언집하신 후에, audacity 프로그램으로 불러들이면 됩니다.

1.53. It doesn't have to be that way

Title: It doesn't have to be that way.
Writer: Jim Croce
Lyrics: It doesn't have to be that way, Jim Croce
audacity data file: none, I guess most people do not know about this song. . . .
music file:
This song from Jim Croce (one who is known for the song, time in a bottle) would be the best around Christmas?!

1.54. 방랑자

Title: 방랑자
Singer: 장필순
@vagabond1.wma (11.83 MB)
@vagabond2.wma (11.83 MB)
For lyrics, see, PhilSoonJang Phil Soon Jang

1.55. 500 miles

1.56. All out of love

1.57. Canticle, Scaborough Fair

1.58. 좋은나라

sung by 박정현
at D key

1.59. Duncan

by Paul Simon
@Duncan-demo.wma (13.57 MB)
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