FrontPageSocialMedia NewMediaReader
I. The Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate
01. The Garden of Forking Paths . . . . Jorge Luis Borges, 1941
02. As We May Think . . . . Vannevar Bush, 1945 @PDF (282.59 KB)
03. Computing Machinery and Intelligence . . . . Alan Turing, 1950
04. Men, Machines, and the World About . . . . Norbert Wiener, 1954
05. Man-Computer Symbiosis . . . . J. C. R. Licklider, 1960
06. 'Happenings' in the New York Scene . . . . Allan Kaprow, 1961
07. The Cut Up Method of Brion Gysin . . . . William S. Burroughs, 1961
08. From Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework . . . . Douglas Engelbart, 1962
09. Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System . . . . Ivan Sutherland, 1963
10. The Construction of Change . . . . Roy Ascott, 1964
11. A File Structure for The Complex, The Changing, and the Indeterminate . . . . Theodor H. Nelson, 1965
12. Six Selections by the Oulipo . . . .
One Hundred Thousand Billion Poems . . . . Raymond Queneau, 1961
Yours for the Telling . . . . Raymond Queneau, 1967
Brief History of the Oulipo . . . . Jean Lescure, 1967
For a Potential Analysis of Combinatory Literature . . . . Claude Berge, 1973
Computer and Writer: The Centre Pompidou Experiment . . . . Paul Forunel, 1981
Prose and Anticombinatorics . . . . Italo Calvino, 1981

II. Collective Media, Personal Media
13. Two Selections by Marshall McLuhan . . . . The Medium is the Message (from Understanding Media), 1964 . . . . The Galaxy Reconfigured or the Plight of Mass Man in an Individualist Society (from The Gutenberg Galaxy), 1969
14. Four Selections by Experiments in Art and Technology
From "The Garden Party" . . . . Billy Kluver, 1961
From 9 Evenings . . . . E.A.T., 1966
Press Release . . . . E.A.T., 1967
The Pavilion . . . . Billy Kluver, 1972
15. Cybernated Art . . . . Nam June Paik, 1966
16. A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect . . . . Douglas Engelbart and William English, 1968
17. From SoftwareInformation Technology: Its New Meaning for Art . . . . Theodor H. Nelson, Nicholas Negroponte, and Les Levine, 1970
18. Constituents of a Theory of the Media . . . . Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 1970
19. Requiem for the Media . . . . Jean Baudrillard, 1972
20. The Technology and the Society . . . . Raymond Williams, 1974
21. From Computer Lib / Dream Machines . . . . Theodor H. Nelson, 19701974
22. From Theatre of the Oppressed . . . . Augusto Boal, 1974
23. From Soft Architecture Machines . . . . Nicholas Negroponte, 1975
24. From Computer Power and Human Reason . . . . Joseph Weizenbaum, 1976
25. Responsive Environments . . . . Myron Krueger, 1977
26. Personal Dynamic Media . . . . Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg, 1977
27. From A Thousand Plateaus . . . . Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, 1980

III. Design, Activity, and Action
28. From Mindstorms . . . . Seymour Papert, 1980
29. 'Put-That-There': Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface . . . . Richard A. Bolt, 1980
30. Proposal for a Universal Electronic Publishing System and Archive (from Literary Machines) . . . . Theodor H. Nelson, 1981
31. Will There be Condominiums in Data Space? . . . . Bill Viola, 1982
32. The Endless Chain (from The Media Monopoly) . . . . Ben Bagdikian, 1983
33. Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages . . . . Ben Shneiderman, 1983
34. Video Games and Computer Holding Power (from The Second Self) . . . . Sherry Turkle, 1984
35. A Cyborg Manifesto . . . . Donna Haraway, 1985
36. The GNU Manifesto . . . . Richard Stallman, 1985
37. Using Computers: A Direction for Design (from Understanding Computers and Cognition) . . . . Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores, 1986
38. Two Selections by Brenda Laurel
The Six Elements and Causal Relations Among Them (from Computers as Theater), 1991
Star Raiders: Dramatic Interaction in a Small World, 1986
39. Towards a New Classification of Tele-Information Services . . . . J. L. Bordewijk and B. van Kaam, 1986

IV. Revolution, Resistance, and the Launch of the Web
40. Mythinformation . . . . Langdon Winner, 1986
41. From Plans and Situated Actions . . . . Lucy A. Suchman, 1987
42. Siren Shapes: Exploratory and Constructive Hypertexts . . . . Michael Joyce, 1988
43. The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems . . . . Bill Nichols, 1988
44. The Fantasy Beyond Control . . . . Lynn Hershman, 1990
45. Cardboard Computers . . . . Pelle Ehn and Morten Kyng, 1991
46. The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat . . . . Chip Morningstar and R. Randall Farmer, 1991
47. Seeing and Writing (from Writing Space) . . . . J. David Bolter, 1991
48. You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media . . . . Stuart Moulthrop, 1991
49. The End of Books . . . . Robert Coover, 1992
50. Time Frames (from Understanding Comics) . . . . Scott McCloud, 1993
51. Surveillance and Capture: Two Models of Privacy . . . . Philip E. Agre, 1994
52. Nonlinearity and Literary Theory . . . . Espen Aarseth, 1994
53. Nomadic Power and Cultural Resistance . . . . Critical Art Ensemble, 1994
54. The World Wide Web . . . . Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, Ari Loutonen, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, and Arthur Secret, 1994
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