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As a free open source project OpenMHP aims to boost the service and application development based on DVB-MHP (Digital Video Broadcasting – Multimedia Home Platform) specification. Individual developers, small companies, universities and other organizations can easily start the development work with the help of the free open source software.

The primary goal of OpenMHP project is to produce an MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) compliant implementation of classes required by MHP specification.

OpenMHP is a Free implementation of MHP classes.

OpenMHP project provides Open Source MHP environment for PC workstations.

MHP environment for PC workstations is intended for software developers and environment is suitable for application developing and testing.
Environment provides fast and free development platform. Environment can be modified for specific needs (Open Source).

We welcome all open source developers and organizations to join our Developer’s community !

OpenMHP project is provided by Axel Technologies and TUCS (Turku Centre for Computer Science).

OpenMHP는 MHP application을 테스트해볼 수 있는 emulator이다. DVB-MHP의 기준하에서 제작된 어플리케이션이나 서비스 등의 개발이 활성화되어야 한다는 취지에서 만들어졌다. 다운로드는 에서 가능하며 (registration 필요), 관련 파일로 준비해야 할 것들로는:

정상적인 인스톨 경로는:
물론 jre는 따로 설치하도록 하고, 설치과정 중에 path 등의 설정이 필요하다.

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