FrontPage Post-networkEra
These conditions include . . . .
  • emerging technologies that enable far greater control over when and where viewers watch programming;
  • multiple options for financing television production that develop and expand the range of commercially viable programming;
  • greater opportunities for amateur production that have arisen with and been augmented by a revolution in distribution that exponentially increases the ease of sharing video;
  • various advertising strategies including product placement and integration that have come to co-exist with the decreasingly dominant thirty-second ad;
  • and advances in digital technologies that further expand knowledge about audience viewing behaviors and create opportunities to supplement sampling methods with census data about use.
    - Lotz, Amanda D. (2007-11-01). The Television Will Be Revolutionized (Kindle Locations 403-408). NYU Press academic. Kindle Edition.

The world as we knew it is over. —Les Moonves, President of CBS Television, 2003

The 50-year-old economic model of this business is kind of history now. —Gail Berman, President of Entertainment, FOX, 200330

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