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1. Message diffusion in social network services: Case studies of Me2Day and Twitter ¶
- Title
- Message diffusion in social network services: Case studies of Me2Day and Twitter
- Abstract
- One of the rapid growing online services is social network services (SNS) such as Twitter and Me2Day. Users of such services diffuse interesting ideas and/or messages (via twitting and re-twitting). The study points out that there are three fundamental elements in message diffusion process in SNS: (1) attributes of message (idea); (2) attribute of channel (medium); (3) user’s network positional attributes). Attributes of message may consist of (1) involvement (of self and others); (2) innovation; (3) perceived effects; (4) social norms and value; and (5) credibility. Attributes of channel may be explained with (1) perceived ease of use (of medium); (2) usefulness; and (3) perceived joyfulness (playfulness). Lastly, user’s network positional attribute might be related with the notion of centrality (degree, centrality, and/or betweenness) and perceived personal strength (opinion-leader-perception). The study also points out and discusses that the salience of certain types of messages may be related to the agenda set by mass media such as newspaper press, news broadcast, etc.
2. Introduction ¶
A series of studies about
- diffusion of message, knolwedge, persuasion, etc.
- in microblog systems
- message diffusion in new media (along the line of diffusion study) Eve Rogers, Ron Rice, . . . .
- microblogs have become similar to mass media, at least a similar attribute -- message diffusion.
a link to a google doc
3. Message diffusion ¶
Diffusion is defined as
- the process by which
- an innovation (idea, knowledge, opinion, message, . . .)
- is communicated
- through certain channels
- over time
- among the members of a social system. (Rorgers, 1965)
- messages (words, opinion, ideas, news, knowledges, . . . )
- channels (microblog - via a few options such as smart phone, handheld devices, web application, etc.)
- people (network; some people are more salient and powerfule than others) followers and followees
4. Messages ¶
- Salience = relevancy, involvement of self and others
- Innovativeness or innovation = newness, impacts
- Effects = positive and negative effects +
- social values and norms
- social values and norms
- Credibility
5. Channels ¶
- Technology Acceptance Model (TAM, Davis, 1989)
- Ease of use
- Usefulness
- Playfulness (Moon and Kim, 2001)
- Ease of use
6. People ¶
- Some people are a source for everybody (one of the mass media characteristics)
- Who are they initiating the messages?
- Who are carrying them?
- Who are receiving them?
- characteristics of people's ind attributes . . . . occupational char.,
- characteristics of their social networks . . . . degree, centrality,
7. Analysis ¶

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- Channel properties (EOU, Usefulness, Playfulness) are influential for the attitudes toward message diffusion.
- Message relevance (ego and others involvement) also influence the attitudes toward message diffusion.
- Only channel properties affect behavior of message diffusion (creating and responding messages).
- Playfulness (amusement of using the channel) is the most compelling reason of using microblog systems.
- Playfulness (amusement of using the channel) is the most compelling reason of using microblog systems.
- Other channel characteristics (EOU, Usefulness) are found to be mediating elemetns influencing playfulness.
Attitudes affect behavior

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Microblog is becoming a message diffusing channel. However, this is happening at an amusement (personal perception of enjoyment) level. It does not carry social impacts, yet.
8. References ¶
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- Wikipedia (2009). Microblog Retrieved 09/30, 2009, from
9. Social Network Analysis ¶
- Simple project (e.g.)
- Students taking classes
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