FrontPage TwitterResearch

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^ 이용욱. (2010). 디지털 서사체의 미학적 구조(5) __디지털스토리텔링연구, 5__(1), 38-67.
^ 장래영, 이민규, 조준희, & 한동수. (2010). TwittsIn: 장소 인식을 이용한 모바일 트위터 친구 알림 서비스 __정보과학회논문지 : 컴퓨팅의 실제 및 레터, 16__(7), 814-818.

== Twitter search in Sage pub ==
twitter in either title, abstract, keywords, or first page
in all sage content
in social science and humanities area
"Results 1-50 of 50 found for twitter in Title or twitter in Abstract or twitter in First Page or twitter in Key Words, from Jan 1847 through Sep 2012 in selected journals: Anthropological Theory, Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture, Critique of Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Cultural Dynamics, and 1272 other journals."
"Results 1-53 of 53 found for twitter in Title or twitter in Abstract or twitter in Key Words or twitter in First Page, from Jan 1847 through Sep 2012 in selected journals: Anthropological Theory, Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture, Critique of Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Cultural Dynamics, and 1334 other journals."
in twitterInSagePub2.enl file
^ Anstead, N., & O’Loughlin, B. (2011). The Emerging Viewertariat and BBC Question Time __The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16__(4), 440-462.
^ Arceneaux, N., & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2010). Seems stupid until you try it: press coverage of Twitter, 2006-9 __New Media & Society, 12__(8), 1262-1279.
^ Armstrong, C. L., & Gao, F. (2010). Now Tweet This __Electronic News, 4__(4), 218-235.
^ Atwood, E. (2012). Book Review: Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran __Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89__(1), 133-135.
^ Bradley, P. (2010). Be where the conversations are: The critical importance of social media __Business Information Review, 27__(4), 248-252.
^ Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Highfield, T., Kirchhoff, L., & Nicolai, T. (2011). Mapping the Australian Networked Public Sphere __Social Science Computer Review, 29__(3), 277-287.
^ Chadwick, A. (2011). The Political Information Cycle in a Hybrid News System: The British Prime Minister and the “Bullygate” Affair __The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16__(1), 3-29.
^ Chaudhry, A. (2011). Social media and compliant pharmaceutical industry promotion: The ASCO 2010 Twitter experience __Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing, 11__(1), 38-48.
^ Chu, S. K.-W., & Du, H. S. (2012). Social networking tools for academic libraries __Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
^ Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011: Research notes __Journalism, 12__(5), 647-659.
^ Crews, T. B., & Stitt-Gohdes, W. L. (2012). Incorporating Facebook and Twitter in a Service-Learning Project in a Business Communication Course __Business Communication Quarterly, 75__(1), 76-79.
^ Erickson, I. (2010). Geography and Community: New Forms of Interaction Among People and Places __American Behavioral Scientist, 53__(8), 1194-1207.
^ Euerby, A., & Burns, C. M. (2010). Advancing Complex Sociotechnical Systems Design Using the Community of Practice Concept __Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54__(4), 428-432.
^ Fortunati, L. (2011). ICTs and Immaterial Labor From a Feminist Perspective __Journal of Communication Inquiry, 35__(4), 426-432.
^ Friedman, S. M. (2011). Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima: An analysis of traditional and new media coverage of nuclear accidents and radiation __Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67__(5), 55-65.
^ Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2011). Following Local Television News Personalities on Twitter __Electronic News, 5__(3), 145-157.
^ Gruzd, A., Wellman, B., & Takhteyev, Y. (2011). Imagining Twitter as an Imagined Community __American Behavioral Scientist, 55__(10), 1294-1318.
^ Hargittai, E., & Litt, E. (2011). The tweet smell of celebrity success: Explaining variation in Twitter adoption among a diverse group of young adults __New Media & Society, 13__(5), 824-842.
^ Heaivilin, N., Gerbert, B., Page, J. E., & Gibbs, J. L. (2011). Public Health Surveillance of Dental Pain via Twitter __Journal of Dental Research, 90__(9), 1047-1051.
^ Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E. C., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B. (2010). The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships __Journal of Service Research, 13__(3), 311-330.
^ Highfield, T., Kirchhoff, L., & Nicolai, T. (2011). Challenges of Tracking Topical Discussion Networks Online __Social Science Computer Review, 29__(3), 340-353.
^ Hsu, C.-l., & Han Woo Park. (2011). Sociology of Hyperlink Networks of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Twitter: A Case Study of South Korea __Social Science Computer Review, 29__(3), 354-368.
^ Ifukor, P. (2010). “Elections” or “Selections”? Blogging and Twittering the Nigerian 2007 General Elections __Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 30__(6), 398-414.
^ Jansen, B. J., Sobel, K., & Cook, G. (2011). Classifying ecommerce information sharing behaviour by youths on social networking sites __Journal of Information Science, 37__(2), 120-136.
^ Jungherr, A., Jürgens, P., & Schoen, H. (2011). Why the Pirate Party Won the German Election of 2009 or The Trouble With Predictions: A Response to Tumasjan, A., Sprenger, T. O., Sander, P. G., & Welpe, I. M. “Predicting Elections With Twitter: What 140 Characters Reveal About Political Sentiment” __Social Science Computer Review.
^ Kassens-Noor, E. (2012). Twitter as a teaching practice to enhance active and informal learning in higher education: The case of sustainable tweets __Active Learning in Higher Education, 13__(1), 9-21.
^ Larsson, A. O., & Moe, H. (2011). Studying political microblogging: Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign __New Media & Society.
^ Lassen, D. S., & Brown, A. R. (2011). Twitter __Social Science Computer Review, 29__(4), 419-436.
^ Lee, E.-J., & Jang, J.-w. (2011). Not So Imaginary Interpersonal Contact With Public Figures on Social Network Sites: How Affiliative Tendency Moderates Its Effects __Communication Research.
^ Lefebvre, C. (2009). Integrating Cell Phones and Mobile Technologies Into Public Health Practice: A Social Marketing Perspective __Health Promotion Practice, 10__(4), 490-494.
^ Lindgren, S., & Lundström, R. (2011). Pirate culture and hacktivist mobilization: The cultural and social protocols of #WikiLeaks on Twitter __New Media & Society, 13__(6), 999-1018.
^ Loudon, L., & Hall, H. (2010). From triviality to business tool: The case of Twitter in library and information services delivery __Business Information Review, 27__(4), 236-241.
^ Lowe, B., & Laffey, D. (2011). Is Twitter for the Birds? __Journal of Marketing Education, 33__(2), 183-192.
^ Marwick, A., & boyd, d. (2011). To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter __Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17__(2), 139-158.
^ Marwick, A. E., & boyd, d. (2011). I tweet honestly, I tweet passionately: Twitter users, context collapse, and the imagined audience __New Media & Society, 13__(1), 114-133.
^ Moretti, A. (2012). Book Review: Media, Power, and Politics in the Digital Age: The 2009 Presidential Election and Uprising in Iran __Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89__(1), 154-156.
^ Murthy, D. (2011). Twitter: Microphone for the masses? __Media, Culture & Society, 33__(5), 779-789.
^ Poell, T., & Borra, E. (2011). Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr as platforms of alternative journalism: The social media account of the 2010 Toronto G20 protests __Journalism.
^ Potts, L., & Jones, D. (2011). Contextualizing Experiences: Tracing the Relationships Between People and Technologies in the Social Web __Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 25__(3), 338-358.
^ Rinaldo, S. B., Tapp, S., & Laverie, D. A. (2011). Learning by Tweeting __Journal of Marketing Education, 33__(2), 193-203.
^ Sacks, M. A., & Graves, N. (2012). How Many “Friends” Do You Need? Teaching Students How to Network Using Social Media __Business Communication Quarterly, 75__(1), 80-88.
^ Sanderson, J., & Hope Cheong, P. (2010). Tweeting Prayers and Communicating Grief Over Michael Jackson Online __Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 30__(5), 328-340.
^ Schoneboom, A. (2011). Workblogging in a Facebook age __Work, Employment & Society, 25__(1), 132-140.
^ Scotton, J. (2012). Book Review: After the Internet, Before Democracy: Competing Norms in Chinese Media and Society __Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89__(1), 129-131.
^ Tumasjan, A., Sprenger, T. O., Sandner, P. G., & Welpe, I. M. (2011). Election Forecasts With Twitter __Social Science Computer Review, 29__(4), 402-418.
^ van der Zee, B. (2009). Twitter Triumphs __Index on Censorship, 38__(4), 97-102.
^ van Manen, M. (2010). The Pedagogy of Momus Technologies: Facebook, Privacy, and Online Intimacy __Qualitative Health Research, 20__(8), 1023-1032.
^ Vergeer, M., Hermans, L., & Sams, S. (2011). Online social networks and micro-blogging in political campaigning: The exploration of a new campaign tool and a new campaign style __Party Politics.
^ Wilson, J. (2011). Playing with politics: Political fans and Twitter faking in post-broadcast democracy __Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17__(4), 445-461.
^ Wong, W. W., & Gupta, S. C. (2011). Plastic Surgery Marketing in a Generation of “Tweeting” __Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 31__(8), 972-976.
^ Yardi, S., & Boyd, D. (2010). Dynamic Debates: An Analysis of Group Polarization Over Time on Twitter __Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 30__(5), 316-327.
^ Zappavigna, M. (2011). Ambient affiliation: A linguistic perspective on Twitter __New Media & Society, 13__(5), 788-806.
^ Zeitzoff, T. (2011). Using Social Media to Measure Conflict Dynamics __Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55__(6), 938-969.

National Research KOR

^ 장덕진. (2011). 트위터 공간의 한국 정치 언론정보연구, 48(2), 80-107.
^ 황유선, & 심홍진. (2010). 트위터에서의 의견 지도력과 트위터 이용패턴 한국방송학보, 24(6), 365-404.
^ 금혜성. (2011). 정치인의 SNS 활용 한국정당학회보, 10(2), 189-220.
^ 김재선. (2011). 트위터(Twitter)를 이용한 선거운동의 공직선거법 적용방안에 관한 공법적 연구 고려법학, 62(-), 231-273.
^ 반현, & 이현주. (2011). 소셜미디어 이용자 집단의 정치적 인지구조의 특성 언론정보연구, 48(2), 5-43.
^ 신현기, & 우지숙. (2011). 트위터에서 일어나는 정치적 담론활동에 대한 탐색적 연구, 19__, 45-76.
^ 홍주현. (2011). 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS: Social Network Service)상의 담론 분석을 통한 인지적,정서적 측면의 여론 변화 연구 커뮤니케이션학연구, 19(3), 5-29.
^ 한혜경. (2010). 온라인 공론장과 오프라인의 대인/대중매체 공론장의 연계성: 트위터 이용의 매개효과를 중심으로 언론과학연구, 10(3), 618-661.
^ 최진호, & 한동섭. (2011). 정치인 트위터와 신문,방송뉴스의 의제 상관성에 관한 연구 언론과학연구, 11(2), 501-532.
^ 전희성, & 최민수. (2009). 마이크로 블로그 커뮤니케이션의 특성에 대한 연구 : ‘트위터’와 ‘미투데이’를 중심으로 한국디자인포럼, 25(-), 165-174.
^ 박수영, 하용호, & 김용혁. (2010). 트위터 정보 검색 분야의 최근 연구들 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 37(2C), 25-29.
^ Paul, L. (2011). The Long Story about the Short Medium 언론정보연구, 48(1), 7-28.
^ 김영기. (2011). 정보기술의 진화와 인간관계망의 변화 인문학논총, 26(-), 165-184.
^ 양흥모, 윤은일, 편광범, & 신현일. (2011). 트위터 정보검색을 위한 랭킹 기법의 분석 한국인터넷정보학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 2011(6), 127-128.
^ 이성윤, 이태휘, & 김형주. (2011). 사용자의 활동과 영향력을 이용한 트위터의 URL 추천 시스템 정보과학회논문지 : 컴퓨팅의 실제 및 레터, 17(8), 447-456.
^ 이은주. (2011). 컴퓨터 매개 커뮤니케이션으로서의 트위터 언론정보연구, 48(1), 29-58.
^ 허상희. (2010). 의사소통 도구로서의 트위터(Twitter)의 특징과 소통 구조에 관한 고찰 우리말연구, 28(-), 259-283.
Technology selection, use
^ 심홍진, & 황유선. (2010). 마이크로블로깅(micro-blogging) 이용동기에 관한 연구 한국방송학보, 24(2), 192-234.
^ 심홍진, 김용찬, 손해영, & 임지영. (2011). 언어 네트워크 분석을 통한 스마트폰과 소셜미디어 이용자의 미디어 이용행태에 관한 탐색적 연구 한국방송학보, 25(4), 82-138.
^ 윤승욱. (2011). 트위터 이용 동기가 이용자의 정서적 유대감, 공동의 공간감, 정보의 신뢰성, 정서적 친밀감에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 정치커뮤니케이션 연구, 22(-), 131-170.
^ 이수영, & 내가영. (2011). 마이크로 블로그 이용자의 능동성에 관한 탐색적 연구 __방송통신연구, 171-200.
^ 장용호, & 박종구. (2010). 마이크로블로그 채택모델에 관한 연구 韓國 言論學報, 54(5), 32-58.
Use for
^ 진창현. (2011). 진정한 소통을 위한 마케팅 도구 트위터 시민인문학, 21(-), 205-212.
^ 안지혜, & 민병현. (2011). 영화 마케팅 채널로서 소셜미디어의 가능성 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 11(6), 228-241.
^ 이강호. (2010). 비즈니스에서의 트위터 활용에 관한 연구 교수논문집, 10(-), 277-298.
^ 이재범, 허정, & 정민형. (2010). 블로그-트위터 매체간 특성 차이가 사용자 제품정보 처리와 평가에 미치는 영향 학술대회 논문집, 2010(1), 512-520.
^ 황성욱. (2011). 소셜미디어를 통한 신뢰 이미지의 증진: CEO의 트위터 커뮤니케이션에 대한 20대의 인식 조사 커뮤니케이션 科學, 28(1), 95-119.
^ 이종문. (2011). 우리나라 출판사들의 SNS 활용 실태 분석 연구 한국비블리아학회지, 22(3), 75-90.
Relationships and social networks
^ 장덕진, & 김기훈. (2011). 한국인 트위터 네트워크의 구조와 동학 언론정보연구, 48(1), 59-86.
^ 심홍진, & 황유선. (2010). 마이크로블로깅 서비스(microblogging service)와 사회자본(social capital) 韓國 言論學報, 54(5), 327-347.
^ 박종은, 권오진, 이홍창, & 이명준. (2011). 트위터 사용자와 팔로워들 간의 실시간 메시지 교류 시스템 개발 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌, 16(9), 87-95.
^ 곽해운, 이창현, 박호성, & 문수복. (2011). 트위터는 소셜 네트워크인가? 언론정보연구, 48(1), 87-113.
^ 김형아, 배광빈, & 최봉. (2011). 서울시 트위터 네트워크의 구조 분석과 정책적 함의 한국정책연구, 11(2), 95-114.
^ 김혜원. (2011). 저예산 영화 마케팅에서의 트위터 활용방안 문화산업연구, 11(1), 111-130.
^ 손영우. (2011). Social Networks과 Twitter 서비스에 관한 고찰 멀티미디어학회논문지, 14(4), 546-553.
^ 이원재. (2010). 연결망의 시간적 변화를 검증하는 방법 - 한국 초등학생, 한국 트위터 사용자, 그리고 네덜란드 중학생의 사회 관계 변화 분석 한국사회학회 사회학대회 논문집, 2010(12), 323-330.
^ 이용욱. (2010). 디지털 서사체의 미학적 구조(5) 디지털스토리텔링연구, 5(1), 38-67.
^ 장래영, 이민규, 조준희, & 한동수. (2010). TwittsIn: 장소 인식을 이용한 모바일 트위터 친구 알림 서비스 정보과학회논문지 : 컴퓨팅의 실제 및 레터, 16(7), 814-818.

Twitter search in Sage pub

twitter in either title, abstract, keywords, or first page
in all sage content
in social science and humanities area

"Results 1-50 of 50 found for twitter in Title or twitter in Abstract or twitter in First Page or twitter in Key Words, from Jan 1847 through Sep 2012 in selected journals: Anthropological Theory, Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture, Critique of Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Cultural Dynamics, and 1272 other journals."

"Results 1-53 of 53 found for twitter in Title or twitter in Abstract or twitter in Key Words or twitter in First Page, from Jan 1847 through Sep 2012 in selected journals: Anthropological Theory, Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture, Critique of Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Cultural Dynamics, and 1334 other journals."

in twitterInSagePub2.enl file

^ Anstead, N., & O’Loughlin, B. (2011). The Emerging Viewertariat and BBC Question Time The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(4), 440-462.
^ Arceneaux, N., & Schmitz Weiss, A. (2010). Seems stupid until you try it: press coverage of Twitter, 2006-9 New Media & Society, 12(8), 1262-1279.
^ Armstrong, C. L., & Gao, F. (2010). Now Tweet This Electronic News, 4(4), 218-235.
^ Atwood, E. (2012). Book Review: Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(1), 133-135.
^ Bradley, P. (2010). Be where the conversations are: The critical importance of social media Business Information Review, 27(4), 248-252.
^ Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Highfield, T., Kirchhoff, L., & Nicolai, T. (2011). Mapping the Australian Networked Public Sphere Social Science Computer Review, 29(3), 277-287.
^ Chadwick, A. (2011). The Political Information Cycle in a Hybrid News System: The British Prime Minister and the “Bullygate” Affair The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(1), 3-29.
^ Chaudhry, A. (2011). Social media and compliant pharmaceutical industry promotion: The ASCO 2010 Twitter experience Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing, 11(1), 38-48.
^ Chu, S. K.-W., & Du, H. S. (2012). Social networking tools for academic libraries __Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
^ Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011: Research notes Journalism, 12(5), 647-659.
^ Crews, T. B., & Stitt-Gohdes, W. L. (2012). Incorporating Facebook and Twitter in a Service-Learning Project in a Business Communication Course Business Communication Quarterly, 75(1), 76-79.
^ Erickson, I. (2010). Geography and Community: New Forms of Interaction Among People and Places American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1194-1207.
^ Euerby, A., & Burns, C. M. (2010). Advancing Complex Sociotechnical Systems Design Using the Community of Practice Concept Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54(4), 428-432.
^ Fortunati, L. (2011). ICTs and Immaterial Labor From a Feminist Perspective Journal of Communication Inquiry, 35(4), 426-432.
^ Friedman, S. M. (2011). Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima: An analysis of traditional and new media coverage of nuclear accidents and radiation Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67(5), 55-65.
^ Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2011). Following Local Television News Personalities on Twitter Electronic News, 5(3), 145-157.
^ Gruzd, A., Wellman, B., & Takhteyev, Y. (2011). Imagining Twitter as an Imagined Community American Behavioral Scientist, 55(10), 1294-1318.
^ Hargittai, E., & Litt, E. (2011). The tweet smell of celebrity success: Explaining variation in Twitter adoption among a diverse group of young adults New Media & Society, 13(5), 824-842.
^ Heaivilin, N., Gerbert, B., Page, J. E., & Gibbs, J. L. (2011). Public Health Surveillance of Dental Pain via Twitter Journal of Dental Research, 90(9), 1047-1051.
^ Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E. C., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B. (2010). The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships Journal of Service Research, 13(3), 311-330.
^ Highfield, T., Kirchhoff, L., & Nicolai, T. (2011). Challenges of Tracking Topical Discussion Networks Online Social Science Computer Review, 29(3), 340-353.
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