FrontPageInterMapIcon InterWikiIcons
The InterWiki Icon is the cute, little picture that appears in front of a link instead of the prefix established by InterWiki. An icon exists for some, but not all InterMap references.

You can set InterWikiIcon to InterMap entries by putting an icon file of name lowercased InterWiki entry name, e.g; meatball for MeatBall, under imgs directory.

Discussions ΒΆ

InterWikiIcon also used in the Unreal:Unreal Wiki.

Only lovel-16.png included, while you WkPark arguing to rename it LovolNet. :P
OK. It is just renamed as lovolnet-16.png ;)

What about copy gentoo-16.png to gentookorea-16.png for InterMap entry 'GentooKorea'?

Any recommendations on what software to use to shrink an image to appropriate size?
The gimp :)

Some update proposals --PuzzletChung
For more information, check
So cool ! :)
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