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MHP map [JPG image (176.85 KB)]

Sans specification [JPG image (88.31 KB)]

Sans specification [JPG image (83.66 KB)]
- MHP : A set of java tv api, which enables YOU write INTEROPERABLE applications
- hence, MHP compliance = STB can be transmitted any broadcast companies signals -- The users don't have to buy different STB in order to get their favorite channels; only services (from SOs).
- People write MHP games, information services, electronic program guids (EPG), information services related to sports broadcasts.
- Examples are . . . .

DVB-MHP 방송 흐름도 [JPG image (147.88 KB)]

DVB-MHP Profile [JPG image (244.99 KB)]

DVB-MHP Structure [JPG image (59.36 KB)]

- Based on personal java : JDK1.1 + JDK1.2 - some elements (apis) not-relevant to TV, excluded
- Java tv api
- HAVI api
- etc. : SI and CAS api
- Java tv api
- 다른 표준안?
- MHEG, DAVIC 등등 이전 안들
- Open Cable Lab: OCAP
- Japan: Arib
- MHEG, DAVIC 등등 이전 안들

Relationship among interactive tv specifications [JPG image (101.06 KB)]
- Editorial notes
Should be put in programming part: If you want to work on MHP, you might be interested in getting openmhp api atOpenMHP. You need to register first. And get, and its source file. Also note that the JMF part is left out. You need to download it separately at Lastly, you also need to have Java 1.4. JRE installed in your programming machine. Without it, they wouldn't work. Java 1.4, JRE can be downloaded at: For more information, please refer to .
- j2re-1_4_2_16-windows-i586-p.exe
- or download (19.03 MB) .
- is offering modulator equipment, which is an alternative tool for testing data broadcasting transport streams. The problem is that it only offers for DVB variable-specifications such as DVB-S DVB-C DVB-T DVB-H etc. These would not be useful in our situation except one. The excpetional one is "DVB-S" which is used in the satellite industry in Korea. (see also, threads)
- Also, if you have a modulator equipment, you might be interested in getting the software player such as
mimundotv and tv card. This will get the transport stream right into the tv card. Then, diplayed onto your monitor screen via software. This eliminates STB and TV set purchase. But, notes that you need to buy tv-card and software; but, they are cheaper than TV set alone. Maybe?
Ts102812.V1.2.1.pdf (18.99 MB): MHP 1.1x specification
a107.MHP1.2.pdf (12.19 MB) MHP 1.2 specification (238.86 KB) JavaDoc for TS 102 812 V1.2.1 (TAM685r5)
Outlinks ¶
- MHP 1.0x
- MHP 1.0.3: TS 101 812 V1.3.1
- MHP 1.0.2: TS 101 812 V1.2.1
- Comparison between TS 101 812 V1.3.1 and V1.2.1:
- JavaDoc for MHP specification and Corrigenda
- JavaDoc for TS 101 812 V1.3.1 (
- Errata 2 to MHP 1.0.3
- Errata 2 to MHP 1.0.3
- MHP 1.0.3: TS 101 812 V1.3.1
- Futhur readings
- Presentation of MHP 1.0 (C. Vogt, Alcatel, ex. Chairman TAM Group, February 2000)
- Presentation of MHP 1.0 (C. Vogt, Alcatel, ex. Chairman TAM Group, February 2000)
- MHP 1.1x
- TS 102 812 V1.2.1
- JavaDoc for MHP 1.1 specification and corrigenda:
- JavaDoc for TS 102 812 V1.2.1 (TAM685r5)
- TS 102 812 V1.2.1
- Futhur readings
- Introduction to MHP 1.1.3, MHP 1.2 and MHP/GEM for IPTV
- Presentation of MHP 1.1 with outline of the key differences between MHP 1.0 & MHP 1.1 (U. Reimers, Chairman TM, February 2000)
- Introduction to MHP 1.1.2 (Jon Piesing)
- Introduction to MHP 1.1.3, MHP 1.2 and MHP/GEM for IPTV