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  • "Jeff" Gulati, G. J., & Williams, C. B. (2007). Closing the Gap, Raising the Bar: Candidate Web Site Communication in the 2006 Campaigns for Congress. Social Science Computer Review, 25(4), 443-465.
  • Alampay, E. A. (2008). Filipino Entrepreneurs on the Internet: When Social Networking Websites Meet Mobile Commerce. Science Technology and Society, 13(2), 211-231.
  • Beer, D. (2008). Making Friends with Jarvis Cocker: Music Culture in the Context of Web 2.0. Cultural Sociology, 2(2), 222-241.
  • De Onis, P. (2009). From the blogs
  • Documentary Film and Social Networking in Defence of Human Rights: Producing and Distributing a Quechua-Language Version of 'State of Fear' in Peru. ITNOW, 51(4), 34-.
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  • Heaney, M. T., & McClurg, S. D. (2009). Social Networks and American Politics: Introduction to the Special Issue. American Politics Research, 37(5), 727-741.
  • Hiorth, L., & Kim, H. (2005). Being There and Being Here Gendered Customising of Mobile 3G Practices Through a Case Study in Seoul. Convergence, 11(2), 49-55.
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  • Hodkinson, P. (2007). Interactive online journals and individualization. New Media Society, 9(4), 625-650.
  • Hohl, M. (2009). Beyond the screen: visualizing visits to a website as an experience in physical space. Visual Communication, 8(3), 273-284.
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  • Miller, V. (2008). New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture. Convergence, 14(4), 387-400.
    This article will demonstrate how the notion of 'phatic communion' has become an increasingly significant part of digital media culture alongside the rise of online networking practices. Through a consideration of the new media objects of blogs, social networking profiles and microblogs, along with their associated practices, I will argue, that the social contexts of 'individualization' and 'network sociality', alongside the technological developments associated with pervasive communication and 'connected presence' has led to an online media culture increasingly dominated by phatic communications. That is, communications which have purely social (networking) and not informational or dialogic intents. I conclude with a discussion of the potential nihilistic consequences of such a culture. --> pathic companion or relations refer to the relations for pure social networking rather than (in comparison to) informational or dialogic intents.

  • Miller, V. (2008). New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture. Convergence, 14(4), 387-400.
  • Osborne, D. (2008). User generated content (UGC): trade mark and copyright infringement issues. Journal of Intellectual Property Law Practice, 3(9), 555-562.
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  • Salah Fahmi, W. (2009). Bloggers' street movement and the right to the city. (Re)claiming Cairo's real and virtual "spaces of freedom". Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), 89-107.
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  • Thelwall, M., & Marvin, V. Z. (2009). Chapter 2 Social Network Sites: Users and Uses Advances in Computers (Vol. Volume 76, pp. 19-73): Elsevier.
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