1. data ¶
display labels . output: Variable Labels Variable Position Label old 1 % 65 and over pop_hse 2 population per household educ 3 median education of pop 25+ gdhse 4 % sound housing units nonw 5 % nonwhite wcol 6 % white collar employment poor 7 % families with income<$3000 mort 8 age-adjusted mortality/100K popden 9 people per square mile hc 10 relative HC pollution potential 탄화수소 nox 11 relative NOx pollution potentia 질소산화물 so2 12 relative SO2 pollution potentia 이산화황 smsa 13 SMSA state 14 State rain 15 avg. yearly precip. inches jan 16 avg. January temperature, F july 17 avg. July temperature, F humid 18 avg relative humidity, % case 19 case ID number Variables in the working file
Q. Create your hypothesis (associational).
nox popden rain pop_hse educ poor 15 3243 36 3.34 11.40 11.70 10 4281 35 3.14 11.00 14.40 6 4260 44 3.21 9.80 12.40 8 3125 47 3.41 11.10 20.60 38 6441 43 3.44 9.60 14.30 Number of cases read: 5 Number of cases listed: 5