FrontPage Texlive


sudo apt-get install texlive would result in several installation errors. Mainly, etch is matched with old stable (texlive 2005 or something like that) version.

sudo apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-base tetex-doc tetex-extra will install tetex package. But, somehow it does not work atfter installation.
See [http]Using Latex Processor in moniwiki.

Installing Texlive

See [http]Texlive page for installing texlive.
See [http]Acuiring texlive, especially getting [http]install-tl-unx.tar.gz tarball.

Unpack the tarball with
tar xvzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz under the unpacked directory.
cd to_the_unpacked_directory
sudo ./install-tl will give you installation option screen.
Then, take a look at the page, [http]Quickinstall.html at
Take care of the path as stated in the above document:

  export PATH 
And use [http]Texlive site as a reference.

If everything went well, you may use:

$ \alpha + \beta $ 

for rendering the below.

$ \alpha + \beta $


[http]TeX guide from Department of Mathematics at University of Minnesota.

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