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충북대학교 :: 비즈니스 데이터 융합학과 (
국민대학교 :: 빅데이터경영 MBA 과정
비즈니스 애널리틱스
서울대학교 :: 빅데이터 센터 (, 컴퓨터공학부, 산업공학과, 통계학과, 전기정보학부
  1. 빅데이터 인프라 기술,
  2. 데이터 과학 및 분석기술
  3. 법, 정책
  4. 보건의료
  5. 생명, 환경
  6. 미래산업경제
  7. 사회복지
  8. 방송, 문화, 스포츠
  9. 인력양성

경희대학교 :: 소셜네트워크분석과학 학과
한양대학교 ::

Academic Programs

협동연구 - 통계학, 사회학의 협동연구 예: [http]Bold new partnership launches to harness potential of data scientists and big data New York University, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Washington launch a 5-year, $37.8 million cross-institutional effort with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

COMS W4111	Introduction to Databases
COMS W4115	Programming Language and Translators
COMS W4156	Advanced Software Engineering
COMS W4170	User Interface Design
CSOR W4231	Analysis of Algorithms
COMS W4701	Artificial Intelligence

COMS W4112	Database Systems Implementation
CSEE W4119	Computer Networks
COMS W4160	Computer Graphics
COMS W4162	Advanced Computer Graphics
COMS W4172	3D User Interfaces and Augmented Reality
COMS W4180	Network Security
COMS W4705	Natural Language Processing
COMS W4706	Spoken Language Processing
COMS W4731	Computer Vision
COMS W4771	Machine Learning
COMS W4772	Advanced Machine Learning
COMS W4999	Computing and the Humanities
COMS W4995	Topics in CS (if focus is appropriate, needs approval from track advisor)

COMS E6113	Topics in Database Systems
COMS E6125	Web-Enhanced Information Management
COMS E6175	Interaction Design
COMS E6176	User Interfaces for Mobile and Wearable Computing
COMS E6733	3D Photography
COMS E6734	Computational Photography
COMS E6735	Visual Databases
COMS E6901	Projects in CS
ELEN E6850	Visual Information Systems
COMS E6998	Topics in CS with appropriate focus

Core seminars for all IGERT Students. (Beginning 2014)
Approaches and Issues in Big Social Data
Approaches and Issues in Social Data Analytics

Analytics distribution, one course in a core approach to analytics:
statistical / machine learning or visual analytics.
Data Mining (STAT/IST)
Machine Learning (CSE)
Visual Analytics: Leveraging Geosocial Data (GEOG)

Ethics and Scientific Responsibility distribution requirement
Privacy in Statistical Databases (STAT/CSE)
Data Privacy, Learning, and Games (CSE)
Big Social Data and the Law (PLSC/CLJ)
The Information Environment (IST)

Social Data Analytics electives with substantial non-social science content (Social Science students)
Network Science (PHYS)
Vision-Based Tracking (CSE)
Computational Regularity on Interdisciplinary, Large Data Sets (CSE)
Pattern Recognition (CSE)
Information Retrieval and Organization (IST)
Web Analytics (IST)
Spatial Analysis (GEOG)
Most graduate courses in Statistics

Social Data Analytics electives with substantial social science content (Non-Social Science students)
Modeling Interdependent Data (CAS)
Political Event Data and Forecasting (PLSC)
Social Network Analysis (SOC)
Causal Inference (PLSC)
Democratic Representation: Big Data Approaches (PLSC)
Multilevel Modeling (SOC)
Spatial Demography (SOC)
Intensive Longitudinal Data (HDFS)
Geospatial Science in Anthropology (ANTH)

Interview and Insights

[http]Five minutes with Prabhakar Raghavan: Big data and social science at Google :: Part of PPG's Impact of Social Sciences project focuses on how academic research in the social sciences influences decision-makers in business, government and civil society. We will cover a series of salient viewpoints emerging from this interview programme on the blog over the next three months. To launch the series Rebecca Mann talked to Prabhakar Raghavan, who is Vice President of Strategic Technologies at Google, and Consulting Professor of Computer Science at Stanford. He explains the role that social scientists are already playing in the development of the tech sector in Silicon Valley, and discusses the opportunities for impact and some remaining obstacles to collaboration.

[http]Five minutes with Andrew Miller MP: “It’s important that people handle information in an intelligent way, and social science has a huge role in this.” . . . . It’s important that people handle information in an intelligent way, and social science has a huge role in this. . . .

[http]Accessing and Using Big Data to Advance Social Science Knowledge . . . . A project initiated at the University of Oxford with a title, "Accessing and Using Big Data to Advance Social Science Knowledge"

[http]대학의 특화된 교육과정 필요해 - 빅데이터 고대신문 . . . . 삼성전자 MSC 플랫폼개발팀 박재현 상무도 "이공계, 인문계, 상경계 등 분야를 가리지 않고 빅데이터 인재를 모으기 위해 주력할 것"이라며 "현재 고려대 전산과와 빅데이터 교육을 추진 중이다"라고 전했다. . . . "빅데이터는 여러 분야에서 화두가 되는 융합 도구이기 때문에 문·이과를 합한 빅데이터 대학원 연계전공을 개설하면 좋겠다"

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