FrontPage Larrivee



40-50 years ago, we wouldn't be talking about stuff like this...we would just be playing our guitars (with telephone wire strings and probably high action!)...enjoying the SONG and not worrying so much about "tone minutia"... seems to me that this is similar to a lot of posts I read at various bulletin boards/guitar forums.  We drone on and on about a detail (like the SPECIES of spruce used for the top wood) that would have lots of great guitar players of the past scratching their heads...maybe we feel it validates us or our playing (since we're NOT famous...); but really, who do we thing we are, anymore?!

I think (just my opinion) this is one of the sad results of the WWW; we all now have too much information (and evidently far too many of us have far too much time on our hands), and there's no way we'll ever process it all or turn it into great songs or great playing.  (I'll be the first to confess; I've got more guitars right now than I can play regularly or be a good steward of, among them my two wonderful Larrivees.  And I still GAS for more...what's wrong with me?)

Don't get me wrong; I've learned TONS of helpful information because of web sites like this one, and folks here are generally very friendly and helpful about all things guitar or Larrivee.  

I just wonder if a whole lot of us aren't missing the whole point.
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