FrontPage LifeInDavis

1. Electronic

[https]PG&E faq page or [http]PG&E contact page
Residential Customer Service Center 1-800-PGE-5000 or 1-800-743-5000

4. School account

[http]Setting Email account
Username:       LoginID
Password:     kerberos passphrase
Incoming Mail Server:
Incoming Port:     995(POP)
SSL:     ON
IMAP Path Prefix:
(IMAP only)     mail/
Outgoing Server:
SMTP Authentication:     Password / ON / Yes
Outgoing Port:     587
Security:     TLS 
[http]To learn how to check your email, connect to wireless and access other campus computing services

7. Credit card

Do I need it?
[http] Rewards Visa Card from Chase
[https]Cardmember Agreement Rates and Fees Table
[http]Free trial membership

8. Someone's coming

12 Thursday;
13 Friday;
14 Saturday;
15 Sunday

11. Modem

Motorola SurfBoard SB5100
connected to [http]IPtimes N6004 model

13. Picture

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