FrontPage SequentialRegressionAnalysis
@elemapi2.sav (28.49 KB)

command line:
display labels .

			Variable Labels
Variable	Position	Label
snum	1	school number
dnum	2	district number
api00	3	api 2000
api99	4	api 1999
growth	5	growth 1999 to 2000
meals	6	pct free meals
ell	7	english language learners
yr_rnd	8	year round school
mobility	9	pct 1st year in school
acs_k3	10	avg class size k-3
acs_46	11	avg class size 4-6
not_hsg	12	parent not hsg
hsg	13	parent hsg
some_col	14	parent some college
col_grad	15	parent college grad
grad_sch	16	parent grad school
avg_ed	17	avg parent ed
full	18	pct full credential
emer	19	pct emer credential
enroll	20	number of students
mealcat	21	Percentage free meals in 3 categories
collcat	22	<none>
Variables in the working file

  /dependent api00
  /method=enter ell meals yr_rnd mobility acs_k3 acs_46 full emer enroll .
  /dependent api00
  /method=enter ell yr_rnd mobility acs_k3 acs_46 emer enroll 
  /method=test(meals) .
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