FrontPage SocialLearningTheory

Social learning theory

The theory is often used to explain the effects of media violence
Social learning theory is aplied in criminology and sometimes used to explain serial murder cases.

Principles and assumptions

  1. People learn through observation of others' behavior and their outcomes.
  2. It is thought that learning may be associated with behavior -- i.e., People may learn; but, may not do so.
  3. Specific set of behaviors and the outcomes are leanrned in people's cognitive system.
  4. The social environment that shows repeatedly the result of behaviors influence people.
    1. People make model for behaviors.
    2. Observation takes a significant role -- Obeservation of the third person reinforce someone's behavior.
    3. People see purnishment and rewards in their social environment; and consequently accepts socially accepted behaviors.
Bandura proposed that individuals who repreatedly watch TV violence then learn how to behave in violent ways themselves. Thus, social learning theory doesn't simply claim that watching TV violence makes viewers violent. Instread, the theory predicts a more subtle link: watching violence teaches viewers how to be violent; if viewers know how to do something, they are more likely to do it, particularly when the perceived rewards are great and consequences are few.

Youtube(jocRd-aajW0) The Three Stooge Youtube(eQuDyYNjFXI) Yu-Gi-Oh!
Youtube(Bvp45eE5dSM) Whacking, The Sopranos D:\__Temp\ The horribly slow murderer
with the extremely inefficient weapon

Four stages of the social learning process

Attention processes
By giving some attention to social events, incidents, people are modeling them.
It is important that modern society project so many attentive moments in mass media. Viewing rate (시청율) and share (점유율) are the most important elements in TV programing. Programmers, scriptwriters, advertisers, actors, nearly all in the media industry are extremely interested in rating and sharing. They tend to use bright colors, rapid edits, the use of popular songs and dances, special effects, nudity, and violence. These are common ways to achieve a certain level of rate.
Retention processes
Some images, verbal expression, music, non-verbal gesture, etc. from the mass media content are stored in people memories. Some are good; but, most are bad. Those who in TV entertainment whine about "buzzwords". Those who sing are interested in becoming "idol" of the age.
-- Observers who code modeled activities into either words, concise labels, or vivid imagery learn and retain behavior better than those who simply observe.
Reproduction processes
Those activities and behaviors that are took people's attention and retention are reproduced among people. People have to use the buzzwords in order to look friendly and cool. While this is done, activities and behaviors are refined through feedback. These whole process eventually become a social environment in which people learn them faster.
Motivation processes
What people observed are replicated. The wants of replicating behaviors and activities are encouraged or discouraged through rewards and punishments.

Media violence and social learning

Social learning process is not inherently negative or positive.
It primarily is a means by which human learn. But, as far as mass media content is concerned, negative effects comes first.
Media contents in both entertainment programs and in TV newscasts.
Violent behaviors and activities portrayed in the mass media oftentimes are rewarded and encouraged to be reproduced. In other words, the media give people a sound motivation to use violence by not only punishing bad guys but also rewarding ''good guys''' for using violent acts.

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