FrontPageDeepWeb ResearchMethods/Announcement

1. Announcement

2. Literature Review, 참고도서를 나열할 때

  • Review reference를 나열할 때에는 아래의 포맷을 사용해서 써 주세요. 물론, 논문 작성시에는 리스트 기호나 리스트에 따르는 indent 없습니다.
    • Journal article:
      • 김아무개, 이아무개, 박아무개. (연도). 아티클 타이틀. 저널이름,볼륨(호수). 212-232.
      • Bohner, G., Einwiller, S., Herb, H., & Siebler, F. (2003). When small means comfortable: Relations between product attributes in two-sided advertising. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(4), 454-463.
      • Flaherty, L. M., Pearce, K. J., & Rubin, R. B. (1998). Internet and Face-to-Face communication: Not functional alternatives. Communication Quarterly, 46, 250-251.
    • book
      • 책의 저자가 있는 경우,
        • Anderson, J., & Meyer, T. (1988). Mediated communication: A social action perspective. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
      • 책이 편집된 경우,
        • Fulk, J., & Steinfield, C. W. (Eds.). (1990). Organizations and communication technology. (pp. 164-183). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication.
      • 편집된 책의 chapter를 나타낼 경우,
        • Katz, J. E., Aakhus, M. A., Kim, H., & Turner, M. (2003). Cross-cultural comparisons of ICTs. In L. Fortunati, J. E. Katz & R. Riccini (Eds.), Mediating the human body: Technology, communication, and fashion. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
        • Reid, E. (1991). Virtual worlds: Culture and imagination. In S. G. Jones (Ed.), CyberSociety: Computer-mediated communication and community. (pp. 164-183). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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