FrontPage › ResearchMethods
- 1. Core materials for class
- 2. extra readings, materials
- 3. Public Data
- 4. APA style
- 5. examples, research article
- 6. Unit of Analysis
- 7. Level of Variables
- 8. Variables
- 9. Validity
- 10. Reliability
- 11. Others
- 12. Statistics, Introduction
- 13. Central Tendency
- 14. t-test
- 15. estimation
- 16. ANOVA, F-test
- 17. Correlation & Regression
- 18. Chi-square test
- 19. Factor Analysis
- 20. References
- 21. Research Ethics
- 22. External Links
- 23. Uploaded Files List
1. Core materials for class ¶
FAQ: 수업과 관련된 질문과 대답
강사의 공지사항
아주대학교 대학원 09 2학기 Fall Ajou University Graduate Class : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.
과학커뮤니케이션 09 fall semester, Science Communication Research Methods : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.
강사의 공지사항
아주대학교 대학원 09 2학기 Fall Ajou University Graduate Class : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.
과학커뮤니케이션 09 fall semester, Science Communication Research Methods : Syllabus, Class schedule, etc.
- 교재: Babbie, E. R., 고성호, 김광기, 김상욱 (역), (2007). 사회조사방법론. Thomson (
강의노트:ResMethodsNotesTableFormatted_02.pdf (554.73 KB) (this link works now),
PDF file 혹은
Lecture Notes on Communication Research Methods, web format.
2. extra readings, materials ¶
War of the worlds, Mercury Theater on the Air
War of the worlds
Radio's War of the Worlds Broadcast (1938)
Water tower, NJ: Original picture
- clip:
- A clip of the episode :
war_worlds_orson_1938.mp3 (1.84 MB)
- The whole episode:
TheWarOfTheWorld_381030.mp3 (27.15 MB)
Street Corner Society Streets Corner Society - A clip of the episode :
A review of Streets Corner Society at
5. examples, research article ¶
Research Paper example: 연구논문의 한 예입니다. 조사방법론과 관련된 논문은 대개 아래의 페이퍼와 같은 형식을 가집니다 (절대적인 것은 아닙니다).
Status of Frustrator download:
Status_of_Frustrator.pdf (365.33 KB)
제3자효과가설과 침묵의 나선이론 연계성 (1.12 MB) 논문
- Research Paper Format -- see Research Design
Status of Frustrator download:

8. Variables ¶
Variables Identification: Identify Variable Relationships IV, DV, Moderating, Intervening variables
21. Research Ethics ¶
Milgram's study ¶
Milgram_experiment밀그램의 compliance에 관한 실험
밀그램의 연구
A discussion for a class
Laud Humphreys' study ¶
uh! too expensive
Laud_Humphreys Laud Humphreys
Laud's study
Tuskegee study ¶
22. External Links ¶