1. Syllabus & Lecture Note ¶

Student Paper site -- upload your assignment here.
Lecture Note, or
2.1. Week 1 ¶
- Class activity
- Introduction to the class
- Discussion about research topics
- Introduction to the class
- Assignment:
- Summary of your (potential) research interest or topic:
Meet your professor whom you would mostly work with for your dissertation.
Discuss potential topics that you might want to write about.
You should note that this is not about producing something. It is about writing about something.
Summarize the discussion in one page.
- Summary of your (potential) research interest or topic:
2.2.1. Class activity ¶
- Finding articles in the Library (site)
- Identifying journal databases that are useful to your research
- Familiarizing journal titles of your own interests
- Sage, Oxford, Science Direct, JSTORE, etc. (refer to
A Library )
- Identifying journal databases that are useful to your research
Endnote or something similar
- Or at
an Ajou Library site: Login required
War of the Worlds mp3 file
The whole program
Assignment Example |
Commented Assignment Example
- Please note:
- Left-alignment
- Single space
- Submission day and date
- You should list reference list
- Left-alignment
- pick three words of your interests.
- use the words for searching library reference materials.
- 서강대학교 교외접속을 위한
프로그램 (dll file) 다운로드.
2.2.2. Assignment ¶
- Based on your research interests, find two relevant article, make one-page summary, bring the article to the class. Both should be written in English.
- One article should be from the academic journal. The other could be your choice.
- summary should contain information about:
- bibliographical stuff such as article title, jounal name, author, published year
- its research research questions
- related theories or others' work
- its findings
- your comment
- bibliographical stuff such as article title, jounal name, author, published year
- One article should be from the academic journal. The other could be your choice.
- Read the materials for this and the next week (week 2-3)
PDF file of Lecture note.
- read the pdf (pp.1-26)
- read the Barbie book (chapter 1 and 2)
- prepare for a discussion
- read the pdf (pp.1-26)
2.3.1. Class activity ¶
- Refworks 활용에 관한 세미나
- Discussion on your findings (articles, etc.)
- Discussions on textbook materials
- Reality:
- For exploring the reality (truth), what are the ways the author suggests?
- What is it? What kinds of reality is the author talking about?
- 전근대적관점 (pre-modern)
- 현대적관점 (modern)
- 탈현대적관점 (post-modern)
- 전근대적관점 (pre-modern)
- in the PDF file
- Conjuctive
- Attributes
- Situated
- Agent-based
- Conjuctive
- For exploring the reality (truth), what are the ways the author suggests?
- social science
- social + science = logico-empirical = theory + data gathering and observation
- 변수언어: variable language
- 속성: attributes
- social + science = logico-empirical = theory + data gathering and observation
- 변증법 . . .
- 연역과 귀납: inductive vs. deductive
- 질적자료와 양적자료: qualitative vs. quantitative
- 연역과 귀납: inductive vs. deductive
- Paradigm
- What is it? and why do we need it?
- 매크로와 마이크로: macro vs. micro
- What is it? and why do we need it?
- Theories
- 실증주의 (positivism)
- 사회진화론 (social evolutionism)
- 갈등파라다임
- Symbolic interactionism
- Ethnomethodology
- Structural-functionalism
- Feminism
- 실증주의 (positivism)
- 연구(research)
- 탐색, 기술, 설명 (exploration, description, explanation, (prediction))
- 법칙: 사회법칙?
- 분석단위: Unit of analysis
- 횡단과 종단
- Research project design
- 탐색, 기술, 설명 (exploration, description, explanation, (prediction))
- Reality:
- Assignment
- Reading
- Read Barbie, chapter 5 and 6 and prepare answering to instructor's questions
- Read also Barbie, chapter 1,2,4 (from the previous weeks). . . .
- Read the rest of the lecture note
- Read Barbie, chapter 5 and 6 and prepare answering to instructor's questions
- Writing
- Search the library databases and identify relevant databases (both Korean and English databases)
- Find 2 research article that are relevant to your research interest
- One should be written in English.
- The other should be in Korean.
- One should be written in English.
- Make one-page summary for each article, which should include
- its bibliographical information (i.e., authors, year, article title, journal title, page numbers)
- its research questions
- theories and ideas that it introduced
- its findings
- relate the article to your research interests
- its bibliographical information (i.e., authors, year, article title, journal title, page numbers)
- Search the library databases and identify relevant databases (both Korean and English databases)
2.4. Week 4 ¶
- Class activity
- Continue from the previous chapter
- Continue from the previous chapter
- Using APA style
- Assignment: article comment 2 pieces
- Find articles that are related to your research interests.
- Make a summary for each article in one page
- You should follow APA style.
- Find articles that are related to your research interests.
2.5. Week 5 ¶
- Class activity
- Measurement:
- ResearchMethodsLectureNote#s-4.1 -- Conceptualization -- Hypothesis -- Operationalization
- ResearchMethodsLectureNote#s-4.1 -- Conceptualization -- Hypothesis -- Operationalization
- Conceptualization
- Dimension
- 정당선호
- 몰입도
- 명상도
- 종교적 선호
- 친밀도
- . . . .
- http://www.gss.norc.org/
- Dimension
- Hypothesis
- Operationalization
- Income + education
- Income + education + occupational position + bank deposit + life style + . . . .
- Income + education
- Anomie
- range
- dimension: 부정부패
- 사람들이 정부에 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- 어느 정도의 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- 부정부패의 정도에 대한 자신의 판단을 얼마나 자신하는가?
- 사회문제로서 정부의 부정부패에 대한 어떻게 느끼는가?
- 부정부패를 야기하는이유는 무엇이라고 생각하는가?
- 부정부패를 불가피하다고 생각하는가?
- 이에 대해서 어떤 대책이 필요한가?
- 이를 척결하기 위해서 개인적으로 어떤 일을 할 의사가 있는가?
- . . . . .
- 사람들이 정부에 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- Variables and Attributes
- Level of Variables NOIR
- Variables Identification IV, DV, MV . . . *
The status of frustrator
- Level of Variables NOIR
- 조작화시의 문제점들: Reliability
- test-retest
- split-half
- using an established method
- research aids . . .
- test-retest
- Validity
- face validity
- criterion validity
- construct
- content
- face validity
- Index and scale
- bogudus social distance scale
- guttman
- likert-scale
- semantic differential
- bogudus social distance scale
- Measurement:
- reading, Barbie chapter 7,8
- Assignment
- Reading
- Lecture notes
- Barbie Chapter 5,6
- Lecture notes
- Find an academic article from the library database (either in English or Korean) and make one page summary + comment (try to link the article to your research interest or topic)
- Write your own research project proposal (free style)
- It should include
- your research questions
- a list of relative research works (use reference managing programs such as Endnote)
- description of your data (subjects, contents, etc.)
- time schedule
- your research questions
- It should include
- Reading
2.6.1. Class activity ¶
- data gathering
- Quantitative (theoretical base, 1 & 2)
- Survey
- Experiment
- Quasi-experiment
- Content analysis
- Field research
- etc.
- Survey
- Qualitative
- In-depth interview
- Field research
- Ethnomethodology
- Thick description
- Ground-theory methods
- Whatever that suits you. . . .
- In-depth interview
- Quantitative (theoretical base, 1 & 2)
- data analysis : what kinds of methods do I have to use?
- It depends on:
- data gathering methods
- data measurement level (types)
- type of relationships among the variables
- intention the researcher have in mind
- data gathering methods
- It depends on:
- data gathering in relation to survey methods
- problems of sampling (particularly in survey)
IQRandomSample.xlsm (3.51 MB)
- See Sampling, for terms like
- Population,
- Sample,
- Sampling,
- representativeness,
- probability and non-probability sampling
- Population,
- Operationalization issues in relation to Survey method
- this is what to ask issue: that is, internal validity issue
- see Validity & ValidityTypes
- see also Reliability. But, this issue is more related to Experimental design data gathering method.
- this is what to ask issue: that is, internal validity issue
- problems of sampling (particularly in survey)
2.6.3. Assignment ¶
- Comment paper on a research article of your interests
- Howell, 1-2장 연습문제
- 2.15 - 2.21
- 2.25
- 2.15 - 2.21
- Howell, 3장 연습문제
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3-4
- 3-5
- 3-21
- 3.1
- 4장
- See http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/StatPages/More_Stuff/ADDFull.dat
- 4-1
- 4-8,9,10
- See http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/StatPages/More_Stuff/ADDFull.dat
- 5장
- 5.1 - 5.9
- 5.14
- 5.1 - 5.9
- 6장
- 6.3-6.4
- 6.6
- 6.10
- 6.14 - 6.16
- 6.3-6.4
4. Week 9 ¶
- See also Probability
- Mean, Mode, Median, Variance, Standard deviation
- Sampling distribution
- Standard error
- Central limit theorem
- Hypothesis testing: see Hypothesis & Hypothesis test
- Z-test Ztest
- t-test t-test
- 모집단의 평균과 표준편차(
)를 알고 있을 때 (Howell, chapter 12.2)
- 모집단의 평균은 알고 표준편차(
)를 모를 때 (Howell, chapter 12.3)
- Practice exercise 12.22
- Practice exercise 12.22
- Unknown
, unknown
- Same group (repeated measure)
- Two different group (independent groups)
- Same group (repeated measure)
- 모집단의 평균과 표준편차(
4.1. Class Activity ¶
- from the previous topic, t-test
- exercise . . .
If children who having difficulties in everyday-life because of family matter, their behavior score will be different from ordinary those. Suppose that we know population parameter:
- We took a sample whose size is
- {48, 62, 53, 66, 51}
- Problem. . . . Are they different from the population?
- Central Limit Theorem: p.259 CentralLimitTheorem
- Exercise 12.2
- Distribution of sample means
- What are their standard deviation score?
- What do we call this particular standard deviation?
- Before you examine this, what are your expectation of the distribution?
- Distribution of sample means
- Answer the exercise 12.4
- Do exercise 12.15 . . . . . see t-testExample.xlsx
- exercise 13.6, 7, 9
- exercise 13.21
- ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) see, ANOVA
- Variance . . . again!
- Read Howell, chapter 16
- Variance . . . again!
- Factorial ANOVA: see FactorialAnova
4.2. Readings ¶
- Read Howell, Chapter 15, entire one: We will discuss this and you will be asked to discuss things in here.
- Read Howell, Chapter 16 (ANOVA design) entire chapter.
- Read Howell, Chapter 17 (Factorial ANOVA design) entire chapter.
4.3. Assignment ¶
exc. 16.18, 16.19, 16.21
Relationship between SES and SciKnow? Do it by yourself (by hand), including building hypothesis and rationalizing it. Report the result in a proper manner. SES SciKnow 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 5 3 6 3 8 3 6 3 5
5.2. Reading ¶
Read chapter 18, 9, 10, 11.
Chapter 18 is another form of F-test, repeated measure
Chapter 9-11 deals with correlations, regression. You are entering the realm of numbered measurement for both IV and DV. See also, Correlation & Regression.
Chapter 9-11 deals with correlations, regression. You are entering the realm of numbered measurement for both IV and DV. See also, Correlation & Regression.
5.3. Assignment ¶
Design your research, again:
Do, http://wiki.commres.org/wiki.php/FactorialAnova?action=show#s-1.7
- Identify your research interest.
- Review literature: Explain why you are interested in your research question.
- Build Hypotheses: and rationalize them
- Plan on data gathering:
- Explain what method you are interested in
- Plan on gathering participants
- Build a questionnaire
- Explain what method you are interested in
Do, http://wiki.commres.org/wiki.php/FactorialAnova?action=show#s-1.7
6.2. Reading ¶
Finish reading the below +
You should be familiar with t-test ANOVA and FactorialAnova in order to analyze your data.
You should be familiar with t-test ANOVA and FactorialAnova in order to analyze your data.