FrontPage › ResearchMethods/0802
2.1. Week 1 ¶
- Class activity
- Introduction to the class
- Discussion about research topics
- Introduction to the class
- Assignment:
- Summary of your (potential) research interest or topic
- Summary of your (potential) research interest or topic
2.2. Week 2 ¶
- Class activity
- Finding articles in the Library (site)
- Identifying journal databases that are useful to your research
- Familiarizing journal titles of your own interests
- Sage, Oxford, Science Direct, JSTORE, etc. (refer to
A Library )
- Identifying journal databases that are useful to your research
Endnote or something similar
- Or at
an Ajou Library site: Login required
- Finding articles in the Library (site)
- Assignment:
- Based on your research interests, find two relevant article, make one-page summary, bring the article to the class. Both should be written in English.
- One article should be from the academic journal. The other could be your choice.
- summary should contain information about:
- bibliographical stuff such as article title, jounal name, author, published year
- its research research questions
- related theories or others' work
- its findings
- your comment
- bibliographical stuff such as article title, jounal name, author, published year
- One article should be from the academic journal. The other could be your choice.
- Based on your research interests, find two relevant article, make one-page summary, bring the article to the class. Both should be written in English.
- Read the materials for this and the next week (week 2-3)
- read the pdf (pp.1-28)
- read the Barbie book (chapter 1 and 2)
- prepare for a discussion
- read the pdf (pp.1-28)
2.3. Week 3 ¶
- Class activity
- Discussion on your findings (articles, etc.)
- 사회관계망: 이지수 (visualization), 신현석
- 인터페이스 디자인: 김민 (IPTV design) 권혁란 (지도)
- 키덜트. . . 고수진
- BCI: 배경우, 고민진
- 심리학 (selective perception, doppler effects): 임정업 (sound design)
- 디지털 캐릭터: 이소현
- 게임수익모델: 김하정, 최승범
- Role playing: 이광호
- 사회관계망: 이지수 (visualization), 신현석
- Discussions on textbook materials
- Reality:
- For exploring the reality (truth), what are the ways the author suggests?
- What is it? What kinds of reality is the author talking about?
- 전근대적관점 (pre-modern)
- 현대적관점 (modern)
- 탈현대적관점 (post-modern)
- 전근대적관점 (pre-modern)
- in the PDF file
- Conjuctive
- Attributes
- Situated
- Agent-based
- Conjuctive
- For exploring the reality (truth), what are the ways the author suggests?
- social science
- social + science = logico-empirical = theory + data gathering and observation
- 변수언어: variable language
- 속성: attributes
- social + science = logico-empirical = theory + data gathering and observation
- 변증법 . . .
- 연역과 귀납: inductive vs. deductive
- 질적자료와 양적자료: qualitative vs. quantitative
- 연역과 귀납: inductive vs. deductive
- Paradigm
- What is it? and why do we need it?
- 매크로와 마이크로: macro vs. micro
- What is it? and why do we need it?
- Theories
- 실증주의 (positivism)
- 사회진화론 (social evolutionism)
- 갈등파라다임
- Symbolic interactionism
- Ethnomethodology
- Structural-functionalism
- Feminism
- 실증주의 (positivism)
- 연구(research)
- 탐색, 기술, 설명 (exploration, description, explanation, (prediction))
- 법칙: 사회법칙?
- 분석단위: Unit of analysis
- 횡단과 종단
- Research project design
- 탐색, 기술, 설명 (exploration, description, explanation, (prediction))
- Reality:
- Discussion on your findings (articles, etc.)
- Assignment
- Read Barbie, chapter 5 and 6 and prepare answering to instructor's questions
- Read also Barbie, chapter 1,2,4 (from the previous weeks). . . .
- Writing
- Search the library databases and identify relevant databases (both Korean and English databases)
- Find 2 research article that are relevant to your research interest
- One should be written in English.
- The other should be in Korean.
- One should be written in English.
- Make one-page summary for each article, which should include
- its bibliographical information (i.e., authors, year, article title, journal title, page numbers)
- its research questions
- theories and ideas that it introduced
- its findings
- relate the article to your research interests
- its bibliographical information (i.e., authors, year, article title, journal title, page numbers)
- Search the library databases and identify relevant databases (both Korean and English databases)
- Read Barbie, chapter 5 and 6 and prepare answering to instructor's questions
2.4. Week 4 ¶
- Class activity
- Continue from the previous chpater
- Continue from the previous chpater
- Reading
- Barbie Chapter 5,6
- Barbie Chapter 5,6
- Assignment
- Find an academic article from the library database (either in English or Korean) and make one page summary + comment (try to link the article to your research interest or topic)
- Write your own research project proposal (free style)
- It should include
- your research questions
- a list of relative research works (use reference managing programs such as Endnote)
- description of your data (subjects, contents, etc.)
- time schedule
- your research questions
- It should include
- Find an academic article from the library database (either in English or Korean) and make one page summary + comment (try to link the article to your research interest or topic)
2.5. Week 5 ¶
- Class activity
- Measurement:
- ResearchMethodsLectureNote#s-4.1 -- Conceptualization -- Hypothesis -- Operationalization
- ResearchMethodsLectureNote#s-4.1 -- Conceptualization -- Hypothesis -- Operationalization
- Conceptualization
- Dimension
- 정당선호
- 몰입도
- 명상도
- 종교적 선호
- 친밀도
- . . . .
- Dimension
- Hypothesis
- Operationalization
- Income + education
- Income + education + occupational position + bank deposit + life style + . . . .
- Income + education
- Anomie
- range
- dimension: 부정부패
- 사람들이 정부에 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- 어느 정도의 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- 부정부패의 정도에 대한 자신의 판단을 얼마나 자신하는가?
- 사회문제로서 정부의 부정부패에 대한 어떻게 느끼는가?
- 부정부패를 야기하는이유는 무엇이라고 생각하는가?
- 부정부패를 불가피하다고 생각하는가?
- 이에 대해서 어떤 대책이 필요한가?
- 이를 척결하기 위해서 개인적으로 어떤 일을 할 의사가 있는가?
- . . . . .
- 사람들이 정부에 부정부패가 있다고 생각하는가?
- Variables and Attributes
- Level of Variables NOIR
- Variables Identification IV, DV, MV . . . *
The status of frustrator
- Level of Variables NOIR
- 조작화시의 문제점들: Reliability
- test-retest
- split-half
- using an established method
- research aids . . .
- test-retest
- Validity
- face validity
- criterion validity
- construct
- content
- face validity
- Index and scale
- bogudus social distance scale
- guttman
- likert-scale
- semantic differential
- bogudus social distance scale
- Measurement:
- reading, Barbie chapter 7,8
- assignment: article comment 2 pieces
2.6.1. Class activity ¶
- data gathering
- Quatitative (theoretical base, 1 & 2)
- Survey
- Experiment
- Quasi-experiment
- Content analysis
- Field research
- etc.
- Survey
- Qualitative
- In-depth interview
- Field research
- Ethnomethodology
- Thick description
- Ground-theory methods
- Whatever that suits you. . . .
- In-depth interview
- Quatitative (theoretical base, 1 & 2)
- data analysis : what kinds of methods do I have to use?
- It depends on:
- data gathering methods
- data measurement level (types)
- type of relationships among the variables
- intention the researcher have in mind
- data gathering methods
- It depends on:
- data gathering in relation to survey methods
- problems of sampling (particularly in survey)
IQRandomSample.xlsm (3.51 MB)
- See Sampling, for terms like
- Population,
- Sample,
- Sampling,
- representativeness,
- probability and non-probability sampling
- Population,
- Operationalization issues in relation to Survey method
- this is what to ask issue: that is, internal validity issue
- see Validity & ValidityTypes
- see also Reliability. But, this issue is more related to Experimental design data gathering method.
- this is what to ask issue: that is, internal validity issue
- problems of sampling (particularly in survey)
2.6.3. Assignment ¶
- Comment paper on a research article of your interests
- Howell, 1-2장 연습문제
- 2.15 - 2.21
- 2.25
- 2.15 - 2.21
- Howell, 3장 연습문제
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3-4
- 3-5
- 3-21
- 3.1
- 4장
- See
- 4-1
- 4-8,9,10
- See
- 5장
- 5.1 - 5.9
- 5.14
- 5.1 - 5.9
- 6장
- 6.3-6.4
- 6.6
- 6.10
- 6.14 - 6.16
- 6.3-6.4
3.1. Activity ¶
- Also see Probability
- Hypothesis testing: see Hypothesis & HypothesisTest
- Z-test ztest
- t-test t-test
- 모집단의 평균과 표준편차(
)를 알고 있을 때 (Howell, chapter 12.2)
- 모집단의 평균은 알고 표준편차(
)를 모를 때 (Howell, chapter 12.3)
- Practice exercise 12.22
- Practice exercise 12.22
- Unknown
, unknown
- Same group (repeated measure)
- Two different group (independent groups)
- Same group (repeated measure)
- 모집단의 평균과 표준편차(
4.1. Class Activity ¶
- from the previous topic, t-test
- exercise . . .
If children who having difficulties in everyday-life because of family matter, their behavior score will be different from ordinary those. Suppose that we know population parameter:
- We took a sample whose size is
- {48, 62, 53, 66, 51}
- Problem. . . . Are they different from the population?
- Central Limit Theorem: p.259 CentralLimitTheorem
- Exercise 12.2
- Distribution of sample means
- What are their standard deviation score?
- What do we call this particular standard deviation?
- Before you examine this, what are your expectation of the distribution?
- Distribution of sample means
- Answer the exercise 12.4
- Do exercise 12.15 . . . . . see t-testExample.xlsx
- exercise 13.6, 7, 9
- exercise 13.21
- ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) see, ANOVA
- Variance . . . again!
- Read Howell, chapter 16
- Variance . . . again!
- Factorial ANOVA: see FactorialAnova
4.2. Readings ¶
- Read Howell, Chapter 15, entire one: We will discuss this and you will be asked to discuss things in here.
- Read Howell, Chapter 16 (ANOVA design) entire chapter.
- Read Howell, Chapter 17 (Factorial ANOVA design) entire chapter.
4.3. Assignment ¶
exc. 16.18, 16.19, 16.21
Relationship between SES and SciKnow? Do it by yourself (by hand), including building hypothesis and rationalizing it. Report the result in a proper manner. SES SciKnow 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 5 3 6 3 8 3 6 3 5
5.2. Reading ¶
Read chapter 18, 9, 10, 11.
Chapter 18 is another form of F-test, repeated measure
Chapter 9-11 deals with correlations, regression. You are entering the realm of numbered measurement for both IV and DV. See also, Correlation & Regression.
Chapter 9-11 deals with correlations, regression. You are entering the realm of numbered measurement for both IV and DV. See also, Correlation & Regression.
5.3. Assignment ¶
Design your research, again:
- Identify your research interest.
- Review literature: Explain why you are interested in your research question.
- Build Hypotheses: and rationalize them
- Plan on data gathering:
- Explain what method you are interested in
- Plan on gathering participants
- Build a questionnaire
- Explain what method you are interested in
6.2. Reading ¶
Finish reading the below +
You should be familiar with t-test ANOVA and FactorialAnova in order to analyze your data.
You should be familiar with t-test ANOVA and FactorialAnova in order to analyze your data.